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Message Publié : Dim Fév 12, 2006 11:37 pm
par Blue, Red,Yellow
En espérant qu'ils nous fassent pas le coup, comme c'est en deux episodes, de faire monter le buzz jusqu'a la semaine prochaine :twisted:

Message Publié : Dim Fév 12, 2006 11:52 pm
par yoyo
tu m'etonnes ...

ca m'enerve .... je crois pas que je pourrais veiller jusqu'a 2 heure !!! vivement demain matin !!!!!

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 7:29 am
par Palavas
Bon...alors pas de news ce matin on dirait. :?
...hormis 60cm de neige sur Central Park à NY...

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 7:31 am
par Olikatie
Blue, Red,Yellow a écrit :En espérant qu'ils nous fassent pas le coup, comme c'est en deux episodes, de faire monter le buzz jusqu'a la semaine prochaine :twisted:

Ben je crois que c'est ce qu'il s'est passé:

Code : Tout sélectionner
They kept saying they were going to paly new songs and then they would play a commercial---Part two might have a new song or two--Ed mentioned one or two new song titles

Seems like, from the bit I heard, the interview was actually the other guy chatting more and Eddie just listening and making the odd comment, bit of a let down.........

Eddie and Kelly were definately stoned !!! ha!
There was no way they would have spaced out so much unless they smoked a fatty.... good for them!

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 8:31 am
par thefrenchconnection
Ed said that the recording process for the new record had been really difficult and quite unpleasant, but that he thinks it is some of their best music ever

They played a stones song, a sonic youth song, a tom waits song, and Gremmie out of control, but i dont think its worth the amount of time you would have to invest just to hear that couple of tracks.

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 8:57 am
par Olikatie
pour écouter l'interview en stream dans media player:

Kelly's a tool, Ed didn't enjoy the recording process of the new album, both were stoned, kelly hates fat people, and were at war with Iraq because of them, Eddie used to "test drive" cars when he was a valet, both like to draw waves, death by shark bite would be peaceful, they are friends with Dennis Rodman, and Rodman call Kelly, Christian, Eddie never saw Ferris Bueller, knows who G-Unit is,the rest was alot of incoherent ramblings about who knows what. Some cool tunes in between though. Some Stones, Waits, Sonic Youth, ending with Greamie.

Ed said in the interview that the band should be done in the studio in about 2 weeks; however, this was a previously recorded interview...when it was recorded, I don't know.

Also, as has been previously mentioned as well, Ed said that this album making process was very slow and that he did not enjoy it at all. However, he did say that he believes that because it was such a tediously slow process, that the end result is worth it.

Other random and non-important info in the interview:

Kelly and Ed both feel sorry for the fat people of America. Bush sucks. Ed "borrowed" nice looking cars at his old job and consequently learned how to drive stick shift from those experiences. There was some crap about sharks in the somewhere, too.

It's a two part interview (next part airing Feb. 19 @ same time), so maybe more will be said about the album in the next part of the interview.

The end.

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 9:08 am
par thefrenchconnection
'tain .... çà donne envie çà de savoir que l'enregistrement a bien gonlé Ed ....çà a encore du fighter sévère avec le Stone ...

peut êre qu'ils ont voulu jeter Boom et que Ed vuolait pas ....


Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 9:46 am
par matt showman
Olikatie a écrit :Eddie never saw Ferris Bueller

la honte :shock: :twisted:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 10:27 am
par LVG
matt showman a écrit :
Olikatie a écrit :Eddie never saw Ferris Bueller

la honte :shock: :twisted:
c'est clair :shock:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 12:07 pm
par yoyo
bon comme prevu ... rien de speciale !? :?

ca vrai que ca fait peur ce que dit ed au niveau de ces sessions tres chiantes !!! j'espere qu'il a raison, et que c'est le meilleur qui en ai ressortie !

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 12:45 pm
par Olikatie
KS: So Ed, how are thing?
EV: Worldwide Suicide will be released in one week.
KS: Hows the surfing?
EV: We will be touring Australia.
KS: So awesome.

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 1:15 pm
par yoyo
Olikatie a écrit :
KS: So Ed, how are thing?
EV: Worldwide Suicide will be released in one week.
KS: Hows the surfing?
EV: We will be touring Australia.
KS: So awesome.

ah si !!! un truc mortel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thx oli !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 1:31 pm
par Olikatie
What I got from this one hour "interview":

Ed didn't enjoy making the new album at all. But he did say if I'm remembering, "I hope the NEXT one is easier" at least it wasn't so discouraging as to stop.....

Kelly Slaters brazilian "friend", ie. that Gisele chick he's dating brought up the fat people thing to Slater....not sure why he ran with it in the interview but I think Ed was uncomfortable talking about it, although he thought fat people were sad.

The whole shark thing was interesting for like a second, but I did get a giggle when Ed said something like "think of all the support you'd get from the shark community"....

Yes, he stole cars for joyrides and to learn to drive a stick. He never got caught and he feels guilty for invading their space.

Ed's taste in music is as I imagined, but apparently he hasn't listened to a new band in a long, long time. I would like to hear something from someone he has newly discovered or listened to, something a little fresher maybe.....

Thats it. One hour.

Oh yeah, and Ed still drives a 1990 toyota truck.

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 1:37 pm
par mankind
Je suis pas sur de tout saisir...
presque 3 ans et demi apres riot et ca parle bagnole :?:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 1:49 pm
par nighthawk
Olikatie a écrit :
Ed was uncomfortable talking about it, although he thought fat people were sad.

Tu m'étonnes qu'il était peu à l'aise avec ce sujet.... Il en a un tout costaud, qui les suit à chacun de ses mouvements... Je pense pas qu'il ait trop envie de le froisser.... :roll:

comme dirait Bacri à Lanvin dans 'le Goût des Autres' : 'j'ai toujours l'impression qu'c'est vous qui allez meeee.....' :wink:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 2:15 pm
par yoyo
Olikatie a écrit :
KS: So Ed, how are thing?
EV: Worldwide Suicide will be released in one week.
KS: Hows the surfing?
EV: We will be touring Australia.
KS: So awesome.

c'est quand meme bizarre que rien ne soit annoncé si ca sort dans une semaine !?

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 2:52 pm
par Invité
yoyo a écrit :
Olikatie a écrit :
KS: So Ed, how are thing?
EV: Worldwide Suicide will be released in one week.
KS: Hows the surfing?
EV: We will be touring Australia.
KS: So awesome.

c'est quand meme bizarre que rien ne soit annoncé si ca sort dans une semaine !?

J'ai pas tout lu, mais, je crois que c'est une blague... :roll:

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 2:54 pm
par yoyo
jbd a écrit :
yoyo a écrit :
Olikatie a écrit :
KS: So Ed, how are thing?
EV: Worldwide Suicide will be released in one week.
KS: Hows the surfing?
EV: We will be touring Australia.
KS: So awesome.

c'est quand meme bizarre que rien ne soit annoncé si ca sort dans une semaine !?

J'ai pas tout lu, mais, je crois que c'est une blague... :roll:

je m'emballe vite .... scusy !! :oops: :lol: 8)

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 3:25 pm
par loupiotteloupiotte
thefrenchconnection a écrit :çà a encore du fighter sévère avec le Stone ...

Il y a déjà eu de la fight entre les 2?

Message Publié : Lun Fév 13, 2006 5:08 pm
par Olikatie