Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Echanges, nos collections, torrents, download, etc.

Message par mike baroud » Sam Déc 15, 2007 4:40 pm

j'en ai un du top ! le 2, pennywise 8-)

If I can ask one thing when I am dead 
would you lay me down by the river bed? 
let me wash away 
let it take me back from where I came 
all I am and all I was is just 
blood and dirt and bones and mud 
and I'm better off that way 
I'm better off that way
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mike baroud
Message(s) : 11083
Inscription : Mar Nov 22, 2005 9:00 am

Message par mickael » Sam Déc 15, 2007 9:15 pm

Brad Klausen a écrit :Greetings...

I had been hoping to get the Built to Spill poster up for sale a while ago, but as most of you are already well aware, things seem to always get delayed with me...all apologies for that. There were problems with the site, which didn't get resolved until last week, and I ran out of tubes and had to re-order. I had been hoping to get the BTS poster up for sale before the holidays but these things got in the way, and I am now about to do some traveling for the holidays.

So, the Built To Spill poster will go up for sale on Saturday January 5th at 12 PM PST. The poster is 6 colors (the blue is metallic) and about 23" square and will be $45 not including shipping. Along with the BTS poster, I also have a few Pear Jam posters left over....keep in mind most of them, I only have 1 or 2 left, others I have a few more...but not a lot. Those will also be up for sale at 12 PM PST on Saturday January 5th.

Here's a list of which posters there are left overs for...

- Chicago 2007 (Regular Brown version)
- Dusseldorf 2007
- Copenhagen 2007
- Prague 2006
- Portland 2006
- Chicago 2006
- Spain 2006
- Cincinnati 2006
- Denver 2006
- New Jersey 2006
- Philadelphia 2005
- Hamilton 2005
- Ottawa 2005
- Mexico 2005
- Showbox 2004

2008 is already lining up to be a busy year, currently I am working on an art print for the subscription, which I hope to turn into the first of a 3 part series...this idea is still in it's early stages, and I don't want to say too much more on the matter, but hopefully if I can get it to all work out the way I see it working out in my head, it should be really cool...that in mind, my sketch book is full of ideas for next stay tuned...there's always something new around the corner...

I hope everyone has a nice, relaxing, safe long holiday.

Take care.

2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Message(s) : 855
Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par mike baroud » Jeu Mai 08, 2008 10:46 pm

If I can ask one thing when I am dead 
would you lay me down by the river bed? 
let me wash away 
let it take me back from where I came 
all I am and all I was is just 
blood and dirt and bones and mud 
and I'm better off that way 
I'm better off that way
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mike baroud
Message(s) : 11083
Inscription : Mar Nov 22, 2005 9:00 am

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par strummer » Ven Mai 09, 2008 10:55 pm

Reçu ce jour mon beau poster de londres, vous vous souvenez c'est là où on avait eu droit à :

Long Road, Severed Hand, Grievance, Comatose, Given To Fly, Low Light, I Got Id, Faithfull, Green Disease, Marker In The Sand, Immortality, Down, Present Tense, State Of Love And Trust, Why Go, Save You, Porch,Inside Job, Parachutes, Crazy Mary, Do The Evolution, Alive,No More, Bu$hleaguer, World Wide Suicide, Rockin' In The Free World, Indifference

paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
Message(s) : 9354
Inscription : Mer Mai 03, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par mickael » Sam Mai 10, 2008 10:07 am

Reçu le Londres hier aussi, par contre mon Dusseldorf est définitivement perdu... c'est dingue ça! il faut définitivement que j'arrête de me faire livrer mes posters à Panam, le nombre qui ne sont jamais arrivés à destination me rend sceptique (1 perdu ok,mais 5 ou 6, ça commence à faire beaucoup). J'espérai mettre de côté le Dusseldorf du 10C pour d'éventuels échanges, je me console avec mon exemplaire s/n...
Concernant Klausen, il attendait la fin de la tournée d'Ed pour vendre sur son site les posters en question, la tournée est finie, donc ça devrait bientôt bouger sur Artillerydesign j'imagine, et pour éviter tout plantage,il ne préviendra personne, comme la dernière fois. A surveiller.
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Message(s) : 855
Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Beyond » Ven Mai 16, 2008 9:52 pm





Marrant le dernier c'est comme si pour Jester y avait un mix entre Fantomas contre Scotland Yard & Pearl Jam lol
2006: Dublin, Arnhem, Anvers, Marseille, Paris, Bern, Bologna, Verona, Milano, Torino, Pistoia
2007: Katowice, London
2008: EV Los Angeles 1&2, San Diego 1&2
2009: Rotterdam, Manchester, London
2010: Dublin
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Message(s) : 473
Inscription : Lun Août 13, 2007 9:34 pm
Localisation : Twin Peaks

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par jesterinlove » Lun Juil 21, 2008 12:14 pm


ive been working on this semi-secretly for the past many months, and is something im immensely proud of it, and insanely happy to see finished. i released it as part of my opening at Rotofugi in chicago, and its now being made available online through them. it says 'pre-order', as we are waiting on the remaining boxes to arrive and make sure they meet my harsh standards and such, but all the screenprints and letterpress prints and the records and all that are totally complete and i think they look amazing. it shouldnt be as long as 6-8 weeks.. take a look... lemme know what you think.

-- Ten 6-Color Screenprints on Rising Stonehenge 250gsm Paper (10" x 10" image on 12" x 12" paper) printed by D&L Screen Printing
-- Two 2-Color Letterpress Prints on Cranes 134 Paper (10" x 10" image on 12 x 12 inch paper) printed by DWRI Letterpress
-- Vinyl Picture Disc LP with Home Recordings by myself (2000-2004), pressed at Erika Records
-- Custom made and printed wooden box by Clover Woodworking
-- All prints are signed and numbered, and include a signed cover sheet

photos of all the prints and such here, along with ordering information...

Limit 1 per customer and/or
household. Click for details.
Artist: Daniel Danger (US)
Size: 12 x 12 inches
Edition Size: 150 sets
Category: Art + Prints > Current Exhibit

In Stock
Price: $400.00 ... oduct=2148

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Message(s) : 2046
Inscription : Lun Fév 13, 2006 6:30 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par thefrenchconnection » Lun Juil 21, 2008 8:34 pm

jesterinlove a écrit :"ALL THIS HUM AND ALL THIS AWFUL NOISE" Box Set.

ive been working on this semi-secretly for the past many months, and is something im immensely proud of it, and insanely happy to see finished. i released it as part of my opening at Rotofugi in chicago, and its now being made available online through them. it says 'pre-order', as we are waiting on the remaining boxes to arrive and make sure they meet my harsh standards and such, but all the screenprints and letterpress prints and the records and all that are totally complete and i think they look amazing. it shouldnt be as long as 6-8 weeks.. take a look... lemme know what you think.

-- Ten 6-Color Screenprints on Rising Stonehenge 250gsm Paper (10" x 10" image on 12" x 12" paper) printed by D&L Screen Printing
-- Two 2-Color Letterpress Prints on Cranes 134 Paper (10" x 10" image on 12 x 12 inch paper) printed by DWRI Letterpress
-- Vinyl Picture Disc LP with Home Recordings by myself (2000-2004), pressed at Erika Records
-- Custom made and printed wooden box by Clover Woodworking
-- All prints are signed and numbered, and include a signed cover sheet

photos of all the prints and such here, along with ordering information...

Limit 1 per customer and/or
household. Click for details.
Artist: Daniel Danger (US)
Size: 12 x 12 inches
Edition Size: 150 sets
Category: Art + Prints > Current Exhibit

In Stock
Price: $400.00 ... oduct=2148


sympa, mais j'ai pas les tunes pour ...
:P :P
Message(s) : 5125
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:05 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par thefrenchconnection » Mer Juil 30, 2008 11:49 am


On August 2nd at 10 AM PST the 2008 Pearl Jam posters will be available for purchase.

-Virginia Beach
-Camden 1
-Camden 2

My web guy has been working hard to resolve the issues that happened during the last sale, I am trying to remain positive as I do each sale that it will all run smoothly, but so far the Artillery Sale track record's not so good! One of the things he's put into place is that you have to log in before you can put posters in your log in first before you do anything else. Let's all keep our fingers crossed...and remember there are a lot of people out there hitting the site at once, it's like Mr. Burns and his Three Stooges Syndrome... ... 3380594169

...The Hartford Poster...

At the top of the poster are the 5 platonic solids...they are all supposed to go through and come together to form a metatron's cube at the bottom, it sort of the crux of the concept.... originally this poster was going to be printed on white paper, unfortunately due to some unforseen trapping issues, a last minute audible had to be called and it was switched over to black paper. Because of this, the colors didn't overprint the way they should have on white paper for the metatron's cube. For my copies sold on Artillery, there will be additional color(s) added to the poster to fix that overprinting problem.

If your curious at all, google the platonic solids and metatron's's all really interesting stuff based on sacred geometry and how everything in the universe is'll cook your noodle.

...Eddie Vedder posters...

Due to the bizarre issues the site experienced on the last Eddie Vedder poster sale, there are still West Coast leg posters available for purchase. There's even a FEW Kenyon Hall prints, not many mind you, but a few left over. Those will also be available for purchase on Aug. 2nd at 10 AM PST.

The East Coast leg posters will be available for sale once the tour is over, on Aug.23rd at 10 AM PST.

...Signed but not Numbered...

There are some pretty big changes happening here at Artillery, and in order to make room for these changes and help fund some of these changes, it's time to move some things out! Going through and taking inventory I started realizing I have handfuls of a lot of posters that are extras from the print run. I usually keep a couple of posters out of the run that i don't number to give away to friends or to send off to design magazines for their annual issues or to send out to possible future clients to try and get more work...that way i don't have to send out my own personal numbered copies.

So as I was going through and seeing what I have in my flat files, it turns out for a lot of sold out Pearl Jam posters I have a few of these not-numbered extras. There aren't a lot of these for each poster, single digits here. So, I decided to sell these on Aug. 2nd at 10 AM PST as well.... the prices of these posters will be set pretty close to market value, so keep that in mind, and also please keep in mind that there are only a few of each.

Here's the poster that are signed but not numbered extras of:

-Purple Vic
-Brown Vic
-New Jersey
-Atlantic city
-Gorge 05
-Easy St

That's all for now....but as I said above...there are some big changes brewing round the Artillery Bunker, and there should hopefully be a lot more art on it's way through the end of this year and into the always, stay tuned....


Message(s) : 5125
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:05 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par thefrenchconnection » Sam Août 02, 2008 10:30 pm

Donc comme prévu, le site de Brad Klausen a tenu 1.5 seconde avant de voler en éclat ...

Juste le temps de voir qq prix comme
- Honolulu - 275 USD
- Easy Street - 500 USD

... donc çà me tranquilise ... certe c'est pas encore que j'aurais ENFIN mon honolulu ... pasque 275 USD, non numéroté, juste signé ... faut pas pousser
Message(s) : 5125
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:05 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par alex » Dim Août 03, 2008 10:28 am

Enthusiastic response
Hey folks - The response for this recent sale has been an order of magnitude beyond what it had been for past sales, and while we had taken steps to prepare for a big sale, there's just too many people trying to access the site for the server to behave properly and stay up.

The sale WILL go on sometime tomorrow, and you can check back here to see when we announce the new start time. We are migrating the site to a new, dedicated server. This shouldn't take long. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm, even though the latter necessitates the former.

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par mickael » Dim Août 03, 2008 2:00 pm

On remet le couvert ce soir 20h...
(Brad est allé à Surcouf, il a acheté une barrette mémoire supplémentaire pour son serveur)
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Message(s) : 855
Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Août 13, 2008 1:25 am

Pearl Jam Poster Archive:
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par matt showman » Sam Août 23, 2008 9:09 am

Qqun a déjà commandé qqchose sur ce site:
Ils sont sérieux ? les posters sont en bon état ?
matt showman

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Lilac Wine » Lun Août 25, 2008 10:48 am

matt showman a écrit :Qqun a déjà commandé qqchose sur ce site:
Ils sont sérieux ? les posters sont en bon état ?

Une seule commande, aucun problème avec eux pour ma part ! :wink:
Le langage est source de malentendus.
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Lilac Wine
Message(s) : 267
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 6:58 am

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Stan » Sam Nov 22, 2008 7:09 pm

Documentaire qui devrait sortir en 2009 :
American Artifact: The Rise of American Rock Poster Art
Quelqu'un connait ?
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Message(s) : 401
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 4:06 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Stan » Sam Fév 28, 2009 12:20 pm

Je recherche un portofolio pour mettre mes posters : quelqu'un peut il me conseiller sur le choix du portofolio car je galère un peu sur le site Art eStuff.
Merci :wink:
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Message(s) : 401
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 4:06 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par strummer » Sam Fév 28, 2009 2:40 pm

y avait un topic là-dessus minou, mais j sais plus où
paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
Message(s) : 9354
Inscription : Mer Mai 03, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Palavas » Sam Fév 28, 2009 2:48 pm

Stan a écrit :Je recherche un portofolio pour mettre mes posters : quelqu'un peut il me conseiller sur le choix du portofolio car je galère un peu sur le site Art eStuff.
Merci :wink:

J'avais pris les students A1 et A2 il y a quelques années:

Image Image
07/11/1996 : Paris
08/06/2000 : Paris
09/09/2006 : Marseille - 11/09/2006 : Paris - 13/09/2006: Bern
28/06/2007 : Nijmegen

17/08/2009: Manchester - 18/08/2009: London
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Message(s) : 2482
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:10 pm

Re: Posters - Achats / Ventes / Collections / Artistes

Message par Stan » Sam Fév 28, 2009 6:44 pm

OK merci !
Donc grosso merdo, ça fait 50€ pour le portofolio et 50 autres pour les pochettes ?
Connais tu les frais de port stp ?
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Message(s) : 401
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 4:06 pm


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