Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

La tournée 2008 solo d'Eddie Vedder : setlists, photos, impressions et commentaires

Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Denis » Sam Août 02, 2008 10:58 am

Massey Hall

PJForumers présents : Picola, Raoul

Setlist : Walking the Cow, Trouble, Sometimes, Around The Bend, I am Mine, Dead Man, MOTH, Long May You Run, Masters of War, Setting Forth, Guaranteed, Far Behind, Rise, Millworker, Lukin riffs on uke, You're True, Soon Forget, Lukin, Let My Love Open The Door w/sing along, Porch

1ST ENCORE: Wishlist, Helpless w/EJ (Neil song), Society w/Liam, TYAAM, Small Town, No More, Patriot, Arc

2ND ENCORE: Old Man w/Ed on drums Liam singing, Keep on Rockin' In The Free World (Ed by himself), Hard Sun
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Olikatie » Jeu Août 14, 2008 7:10 am

MAIN SET: Walking the Cow, Trouble, Sometimes, Around The Bend, I am Mine, Dead Man, MOTH, Long May You Run, Masters of War, Setting Forth, Guaranteed, Far Behind, Rise, Millworker, Lukin riffs on uke, You're True, Soon Forget, Lukin, Let My Love Open The Door w/sing along, Porch

1ST ENCORE: Wishlist, Helpless w/EJ (Neil song), Society w/Liam, TYAAM, Small Town, No More, Patriot, Arc

2ND ENCORE: Old Man w/Ed on drums Liam singing, Keep on Rockin' In The Free World (Ed by himself), Hard Sun


-ED VERY CHATTY - At the beginning of the show, he said there will be a lot of Neil tonight and as you can see he did not disappoint.
-DEBUT OF PATRIOT FOR EAST COAST SOLO SHOWS (it was a request by an audience member. Ed was getting ready to do ARC, then when he heard someone yelling for it, he stopped in the middle and grabbed his guitar and said why not!)
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Olikatie » Jeu Août 14, 2008 7:18 am

http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Artists/P/Pea ... 1-sun.html

Massey Hall, Toronto - August 13, 2008

He was in Neil’s house but in the end even “Uncle” Neil Young would have said it was a job well done.

Eddie Vedder’s first of a two-night, solo sold-out stand Tuesday evening at Toronto’s Massey Hall was an engaging, amusing and high quality 160-minute affair.

And while it perhaps didn’t carry the same historical clout as Young’s groundbreaking 1971 performance at the venue, several times Vedder tapped into that special magic only an old, intimate venue is capable of containing.

Heck, the 43-year-old singer got a standing ovation even before putting fingers to the fret board. Stating that there was “a fairly interesting evening planned so let’s get into it,” Vedder opened with a cover of Daniel Johnston’s Walking The Cow before showing his powerful pipes during

Trouble, the latter causing him some trouble and resulting in a false start.

But the slight miscues or occasional stumbles to find the next lyric endeared him to fans and even critics alike. Whether it was the foot-stomping Sometimes or the swaying I Am Mine that created a large sing-along, Vedder could rarely do much wrong.

Not to say that he didn’t try to toss a few barbs at the audience, especially those shouting requests much to Vedder’s annoyance. When a lady asked him to play at her wedding during one bit of banter between songs, Vedder replied quickly and pointedly.

“Maybe you should just be thankful that you’re getting married.”

Vedder later dedicated the simple Picture In A Frame to the woman as an olive branch but playfully gave as much as he got. When one smartass asked what band he was a member of, Vedder said Stone Temple Pilots which quickly led to requests for Sour Girl and other Stone Temple Pilots hits.

Nonetheless, Vedder, who also mispronounced the name of the Elgin Theatre, spent the 26-song set delivering material from the Into The Wild film such as No Ceiling, Rise and Far Behind as well as Pearl Jam material such as Driftin’, I Am Mine and the main set closer Porch.

Throughout it all, one could sense Vedder feeling Young’s spirit hovering around the hall.

Prior to Man Of The Hour, Vedder mentioned how Neil Young and Massey Hall was sort of like Johnny Cash and Folsom Prison. “I’d much rather be here than at Folsom Prison although a few of you look like convicts,” Vedder said.

He also covered the Young (and Stephen Stills) nugget Long May You Run which Vedder said he only performed before at his mother’s birthday.

Other highlights of the night included The Beatles’ rousing You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away that caused a loud sing-along as did Last Kiss. Vedder also showed a Dylan-esque troubadour side during Guaranteed before the blistering reworking of Phil Ochs’ Here’s To The State Of Mississippi which called out George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the late Jerry Falwell.

After layering his own vocals for a weird but effective a cappella piece, Vedder, who recounted a story about urinating on a nearby dumpster last year during the Toronto International Film Festival instead of the exterior of Massey Hall, returned for No More and the fine Hard Sun (with support act Liam Finn and Eliza Jane Barnes helping out) to close the show.

Prior to the second encore, Vedder left the stage suggesting the crowd’s response was giving him chills or goose bumps. For much of the night, his performance was doing the same thing to the audience.
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par XWayne » Jeu Août 14, 2008 10:29 am

Arrghhh... Les rappels qui tuent... :(
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par myth4343 » Jeu Août 14, 2008 10:38 am

Monstrueux en somme!!!!!!
Maintenant, on pt prier pour qu'il vienne faire un tour en Europe
Londres 2007; Nijmegen 2007; Werchter 2007
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Inscription : Dim Sep 03, 2006 8:51 pm

Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Olikatie » Jeu Août 14, 2008 12:48 pm


Get comfortable; it's going to be a long post.

Executive summary for the lazy:
- Awesome show
- I was upgraded to front row center
- Ed commented on my shirt and gave me his pick

Full Story
Last night I tried getting a single ticket on the floor or first balcony at a reasonable price. Didn't bother paying the high scalper prices because I had 10Club tickets for night 2 and I had just seen a show in Montreal on Saturday night.
I also tried the pre-party fundraiser, but my luck ran out after I won 2 of the prizes in the raffle. (Thanks Mel for donating the Charlotte poster) So I didn't end up going to Toronto night 1.
Instead I went to my ultimate frisbee game late, and with 5 minutes left in the game, I throw a lousy pass behind my girlfriend, who needed to twist while running to try to make the catch. She ended up tearing her MCL. Off we went to the hospital and we were there until almost midnight. She now needs to wear a knee brace to prevent the knee joint from moving until the specialist can take a look at it in 2 weeks. She said it even hurt more than the first time she tore the tendon 8 years ago when skiing.
In short, last night sucked.

Fast forward to tonight. It took almost 40 minutes to make the walk from the pre-party to the venue (I did it yesterday in under 10 minutes) because my girlfriend can't bend that leg and really needs to take it slow. We pick up my fan club tickets and they are 8th row. My intent was to trade with someone 2 rows back on the side aisle (not the center aisle, since I didn't think they would go for it) so that my girlfriend could extend her leg into the aisle. Instead, after we walk in, a very very kind gentleman upgrades us to the front row so that she could just sit forward and not need to worry about it. The seats are directly next to the center aisle, so we are sitting (effectively) front row center.

Before we head inside, I pick up the batman poster and a zippo lighter from the merch table. (They were also selling the other tour poster, but I had already got one in Montreal.) Poster in hand we chill out downstairs trying to make my girlfriends leg as comfortable as possible, because even sitting in a chair isn't great. We were coming up with clever ways to keep it elevated.

Of course we are freaking out a little when we went to our seats part way through Liam's set; and after his set ended I went along the front row, high fiving everyone who got upgraded.

It was remarkable how many people came up to the stage after Liam's set and were taking pictures of the stage setup.

Ed comes out to an extended standing O. There was the standard assortment of irritating people shouting out song requests and chanting Mr. Vedder's name.

At the first 'talking break' between songs, Eddie wants to throw his pick to me but is worried it wont get to me; so he comes to the front of the stage. My girlfriend jumps up and hobbles over to the stage to take the pick. He then proceeds to ask me about my t-shirt which features a stormtrooper mask; I just have to say Mike Watt for it to register that he and Dave Grohl bought these shirts in Toronto when they were touring with Mike Watt on the "Ball-hog or Tugboat" tour and wore the matching stormtrooper shirts on stage for their Toronto Gig. He proceeds to tell the quick story to the crowd, and then continues on with the set.

(I've been wearing this storm-trooper t-shirt to Pearl Jam shows since my first one in '96. All because of that Mike Watt rour)

Musical Highlights:
- Man of the Hour was beautiful and dedicated to Joey Ramone
- Masters of War was very powerful (as always)
- You're True was preambled by a quick story on why he hates getting requests to play peoples weddings. Since he feels like he is letting them down. He said that the only weddings he would play are immediate family and bandmates. Like playing that song at McCready's wedding.
- Let my love open the door singalong was great, splitting the audience into high voices and low voices.
- Helpless was awesome. I thought they were bringing out the second chair for Liam, not EJ.
- Liam and Ed sound really good together on Throw your arms around me.
- He was getting all set for Arc when he heard the request for Patriot and called an audible to get a guitar out there for the song.
- Arc is awesome live.
- I can't believe he played Old Man and Rockin in the Free world after Arc before Hard Sun.
- Leaning on the stage for the entire second encore rocked.

Banter was also good.
- More quips about Liam being high
- Enjoyed seeing the Toronto Skyline from the water - says it looks like Seattle, and our phallic symbol is bigger (but dirtier)
- He was going to get the idiots who shouted out Jeremy and State of Love and Trust to arm wrestle to see which one doesn't get his request (they were both going to lose)
- Nice story about the Neil Young bootleg as well.

All told; amazing, amazing night.
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par picola » Jeu Août 14, 2008 2:38 pm

alors review : c'était sympa :mrgreen:

(allez, je développe un tout petit peu - vraiment un peu - : set très péchu, résulatat les chansons sont vraiment différentes de celles des autres dates, meêm si sur la setlist ca ne se voit pas. exemple : sur mes 8 dates, de loin meilleures versions de : i am mine, masters of war et man of the hour, plus porch sans doute. grosse envie pour le 2eme soir de suite, je n'y croyais pas, comme hier c t vraiment quelque chose, impros, patriot en request jouée comme ça, envie de vraiment bien faire sur RITFW, jet de fleurs à la foule en fin de show, vraiment un bon show !!!)

pour Thierry : Liam a quand même tout laché "unplugged" et à la voix seule sans mic, et guitare sèche nous a fait un magnifique Gather To The Chapel !
de toutes façons, le Liam, ses sets n'ont plus rien à voir avec ceux d'avril, tout est beaucoup plus dense, avec au moins une surprise par soir ! 4 soirs là, et à chaque fois la grosse claque ! dédicace par Liam aussi pour ma pomme "for my french mate" clin d'oeil de San Diego où on était voisins de chambre ! (note : là on risquait pas, vu le bouge dans lequel j'ai emmené le Raoul !! :oops: :oops: )

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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par dirtyfranck » Jeu Août 14, 2008 3:15 pm

picola a écrit :alors review : c'était sympa :mrgreen:

(allez, je développe un tout petit peu - vraiment un peu - : set très péchu, résulatat les chansons sont vraiment différentes de celles des autres dates, meêm si sur la setlist ca ne se voit pas. exemple : sur mes 8 dates, de loin meilleures versions de : i am mine, masters of war et man of the hour, plus porch sans doute. grosse envie pour le 2eme soir de suite, je n'y croyais pas, comme hier c t vraiment quelque chose, impros, patriot en request jouée comme ça, envie de vraiment bien faire sur RITFW, jet de fleurs à la foule en fin de show, vraiment un bon show !!!)

pour Thierry : Liam a quand même tout laché "unplugged" et à la voix seule sans mic, et guitare sèche nous a fait un magnifique Gather To The Chapel !
de toutes façons, le Liam, ses sets n'ont plus rien à voir avec ceux d'avril, tout est beaucoup plus dense, avec au moins une surprise par soir ! 4 soirs là, et à chaque fois la grosse claque ! dédicace par Liam aussi pour ma pomme "for my french mate" clin d'oeil de San Diego où on était voisins de chambre ! (note : là on risquait pas, vu le bouge dans lequel j'ai emmené le Raoul !! :oops: :oops: )


Merci pour la review!
ouhhh vivement la semaine prochaine ;-)
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par bassegdf » Jeu Août 14, 2008 4:18 pm

fucking setlist
Ed, l'elysee montmartre et la cigale t'attendent !!!
:D :D :D
paris 2000/leeds2006/anvers2006/marseille 2006/ paris 2006/london 2007!

"Vive la France arc-en-ciel, unie, et débarassée de toutes ses peurs" (Abd El Malik)

Amandine est sortie a l'air libre le 21 mars 06!
amandine grandit et me fait grandir...
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par myth4343 » Jeu Août 14, 2008 4:22 pm

J'ai réservé pour lui :mrgreen:
1 Astoria aussi
Londres 2007; Nijmegen 2007; Werchter 2007
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Inscription : Dim Sep 03, 2006 8:51 pm

Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par strummer » Jeu Août 14, 2008 5:42 pm

picola a écrit :alors review : c'était sympa :mrgreen:

(allez, je développe un tout petit peu - vraiment un peu - : set très péchu, résulatat les chansons sont vraiment différentes de celles des autres dates, meêm si sur la setlist ca ne se voit pas. exemple : sur mes 8 dates, de loin meilleures versions de : i am mine, masters of war et man of the hour, plus porch sans doute. grosse envie pour le 2eme soir de suite, je n'y croyais pas, comme hier c t vraiment quelque chose, impros, patriot en request jouée comme ça, envie de vraiment bien faire sur RITFW, jet de fleurs à la foule en fin de show, vraiment un bon show !!!)

pour Thierry : Liam a quand même tout laché "unplugged" et à la voix seule sans mic, et guitare sèche nous a fait un magnifique Gather To The Chapel !
de toutes façons, le Liam, ses sets n'ont plus rien à voir avec ceux d'avril, tout est beaucoup plus dense, avec au moins une surprise par soir ! 4 soirs là, et à chaque fois la grosse claque ! dédicace par Liam aussi pour ma pomme "for my french mate" clin d'oeil de San Diego où on était voisins de chambre ! (note : là on risquait pas, vu le bouge dans lequel j'ai emmené le Raoul !! :oops: :oops: )


t'es un jobard ! merci pour la review :D
paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Denis » Jeu Août 14, 2008 6:32 pm

myth4343 a écrit :J'ai réservé pour lui :mrgreen:
1 Astoria aussi

va falloir qu'il se dépêche avant qu'on le démolisse alors :(
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Québec fan » Ven Août 15, 2008 12:01 pm

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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Raoul » Ven Août 15, 2008 2:28 pm

back in business

de loin le meilleur show (et pour finn et pour vedder, chaque soir était meilleur que le précédent)
bon vais me coucher :mrgreen:

Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Août 19, 2008 9:47 am




#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: Ed - Toronto, 13 août 2008

Message par Mookie Blaylock » Mer Août 20, 2008 3:50 pm

vidéo de 925 Mb sur demonoid (pas vérifié car toujours au boulot)
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