Neil Young

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Neil Young

Message par Matt_b » Sam Fév 11, 2006 11:21 am

Concert de 1971 au Canada, en mp3, disponible à cette adresse:

01 On The Way Home
02 Tell Me Why Track
03 Old Man
04 Journey Through The Past Track
05 Helpless
06 Love In Mind
07 A Man Needs A Maid/ Heart Of Gold
08 Cowgirl In The Sand
09 Don’t Let It Bring You Down
10 There’s A World
11 Bad Fog Of Loneliness [Unreleased]
12 The Needle And The Damage Done
13 Ohio
14 See The Sky About To Rain
15 Down By The River
16 Dance, Dance, Dance
17 I Am A Child

(trouvé grace à l'excellent blog:
Message(s) : 181
Inscription : Lun Fév 06, 2006 4:48 pm
Localisation : Ch'ti sur paname pour l'instant

Message par Olikatie » Ven Mars 03, 2006 1:37 pm

Neil Young: Heart of Gold

Starring: Neil Young, Emmylou Harris, Ben Keith, Spooner Oldham, Rick Rosas
Directed by: Johnathan Demme


"Neil Young : Heart of Gold" is filmmaker Jonathan Demme's intimate musical portrait of legendary singer/songwriter Neil Young, filmed on the occasion of the world premiere of Young's 'Prairie Wind' concert at Nashville's hallowed Ryman auditorium last summer. Young's music provides an emotionally rich view into this unique artist's relationship to family, friends, mortality and the passage of time. Young is accompanied on stage by many long time musical companions, including country star Emmylou Harris, Neil's wife Pegi Young, and band leader/ steel guitarist Ben Keith.

Watch the trailer

>> suite
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Re: Neil Young

Message par Ed » Ven Mars 03, 2006 1:42 pm

Matt_b a écrit :Concert de 1971 au Canada, en mp3, disponible à cette adresse:

01 On The Way Home
02 Tell Me Why Track
03 Old Man
04 Journey Through The Past Track
05 Helpless
06 Love In Mind
07 A Man Needs A Maid/ Heart Of Gold
08 Cowgirl In The Sand
09 Don’t Let It Bring You Down
10 There’s A World
11 Bad Fog Of Loneliness [Unreleased]
12 The Needle And The Damage Done
13 Ohio
14 See The Sky About To Rain
15 Down By The River
16 Dance, Dance, Dance
17 I Am A Child

(trouvé grace à l'excellent blog:

thanx !
je vais downloader ça... et je vous dirai pour le son...
Marseille 2006
Paris 2006
New York 2008
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Message par Gollum » Ven Mars 03, 2006 2:06 pm

Olikatie a écrit :Neil Young: Heart of Gold

Starring: Neil Young, Emmylou Harris, Ben Keith, Spooner Oldham, Rick Rosas
Directed by: Johnathan Demme


"Neil Young : Heart of Gold" is filmmaker Jonathan Demme's intimate musical portrait of legendary singer/songwriter Neil Young, filmed on the occasion of the world premiere of Young's 'Prairie Wind' concert at Nashville's hallowed Ryman auditorium last summer. Young's music provides an emotionally rich view into this unique artist's relationship to family, friends, mortality and the passage of time. Young is accompanied on stage by many long time musical companions, including country star Emmylou Harris, Neil's wife Pegi Young, and band leader/ steel guitarist Ben Keith.

Watch the trailer

>> suite

Yessss :D
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Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 7:25 pm

Re: Neil Young

Message par Ed » Ven Mars 03, 2006 3:08 pm

Ed a écrit :thanx !
je vais downloader ça... et je vous dirai pour le son...

ben c'est déjà plus dispo... donc le problème est réglé ! :? :?
Marseille 2006
Paris 2006
New York 2008
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Inscription : Dim Fév 05, 2006 4:20 pm
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Re: Neil Young

Message par Matt_b » Ven Mars 03, 2006 7:44 pm

Ed a écrit :
Ed a écrit :thanx !
je vais downloader ça... et je vous dirai pour le son...

ben c'est déjà plus dispo... donc le problème est réglé ! :? :?

Ah merde, je les avais juste écoutés, pas sauvegardés non plus, désolé :oops:
Mais il y a un email sur la page si tu veux qd même récupérer les mp3 :?
Message(s) : 181
Inscription : Lun Fév 06, 2006 4:48 pm
Localisation : Ch'ti sur paname pour l'instant

Message par MFC » Ven Mars 03, 2006 8:24 pm

oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux

Message par Matt_b » Ven Mars 03, 2006 8:27 pm

MFC a écrit :oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux

L'un n'empeche pas l'autre...c'est quoi le rapport, à part le canada?
Message(s) : 181
Inscription : Lun Fév 06, 2006 4:48 pm
Localisation : Ch'ti sur paname pour l'instant

Message par MFC » Ven Mars 03, 2006 8:38 pm

Matt_b a écrit :
MFC a écrit :oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux

L'un n'empeche pas l'autre...c'est quoi le rapport, à part le canada?

ecoute funeral party et compare a prairie wind, tu verras :wink:

Message par mankind » Ven Mars 03, 2006 8:57 pm

MFC a écrit :
Matt_b a écrit :
MFC a écrit :oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux

L'un n'empeche pas l'autre...c'est quoi le rapport, à part le canada?

ecoute funeral party et compare a prairie wind, tu verras :wink:

ecoute rust never sleeps et compare à funeral, tu verras :wink: :roll:

et funeral party, c'est du cure de l'album faith :arrow:
Dernière édition par mankind le Ven Mars 03, 2006 9:08 pm, édité 1 fois.
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Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 9:29 am

Message par loupiotteloupiotte » Ven Mars 03, 2006 8:58 pm

MFC a écrit :oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux
:fu1: No way!!!!!!!!!!!!! tu chies là
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Message(s) : 1144
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:04 pm
Localisation : Definitivement au fond d'une cuve de guinness

Message par Gollum » Sam Mars 04, 2006 2:53 pm

loupiotteloupiotte a écrit :
MFC a écrit :oubliez Neil Young, ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux
:fu1: No way!!!!!!!!!!!!! tu chies là

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Message(s) : 308
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 7:25 pm

Message par Eddie_V » Sam Mars 04, 2006 3:02 pm

MFC a écrit :...ecoutez Arcade Fire, c'est bien mieux

T'aurais dit ça sur un topic de Bowie, t'aurais été plus crédible pour le coup...

T'es vraiment un fin critique de musique...
Which of the witches do you belong?
The one with the eye patch or the one who's highly strung
I know you can't trust anyone
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 11:52 pm

Message par Olikatie » Sam Avr 15, 2006 4:06 pm

Neil Young To Release Anti-Bush Album (Life In War)

Apparently it hasn't taken Neil long to rock again, Neil recorded this album in 3 days on "Old Black" (guitar) with Rick Rosas (Bass) and Chad Chromwell (Drums) No word on release, but Archives Volume I Is Coming, As Well As A Summer CSNY 06 Tour. Neil will also debut a new "live archive bootleg series" (like the Dylan Bootlegs, or Dead Picks) with a 69 show from the Fillmore East with a young and electric Crazy Horse.

Report: Neil ready for War

By Jim Welte | more stories by this author
April 13, 2006 at 12:04:00 PM
Six months after Prairie Wind hit stores and with Heart of Gold still in theaters, Neil Young has reportedly finished an anti-Bush album.
At last month's South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, rock icon Neil Young was asked about his songwriting process, and how he gets himself ready to make a record.
"When you get on a roll, you can't disturb it," he said at the time.
Young reportedly just finished another one of those rolls.
Even though he released his latest album, Prairie Wind, last September, and Jonathan Demme's Heart of Gold performance documentary hit theaters in February, Harp Magazine reported today that Demme himself said Young just finished writing and recording a new album.
This time, Young reportedly eschewed the mellow flavor of Prairie Wind in favor of a "a brilliant electric assault on Bush and the war in Iraq," according to Demme.
According to HITS, the new album's linchpin track, "Impeach the President," features an edited-together Bush speech set to a 100-voice chorus chanting "flip"/"flop." The album reportedly took three days to finish.
A Warner Bros. Records spokesman declined to comment on the report.

Here Are The Lyrics For The 2nd Song Off The 10 Song Album, Which Neil Calls The Music "Metal Folk"

"Life In War"

I'm living with war everyday
I'm living with war in my heart everyday
I'm living with war right now

And when the dawn breaks
I see my fellow man
And on the flat screen
We kill and we're killed again
And when the night falls
I pray for peace
Try to remember peace (visualize)

I join the multitudes
I raise my hand in Peace
I never bow to the laws of the thought police

I take a holy vow
To never kill again
To never kill again

I'm living with war in my heart
I'm living with war in my heart and my mind
I'm living with war right now

Don't take no tidal wave
Don't take no mass grave
Don't take no smokin gun
To show how the west was won

But when the curtain falls,
I pray for peace
Try to remember peace (visualize)

In the crowded streets
In the big Hotels
In the mosques and the doors of the old museum

I take a holy vow
To never kill again
Try to remember peace

The rocket's red glare,
Bombs bursting in air
Give proof through the night
That out flag is still there

I'm living with war everyday
I'm living with war in my heart everyday
I'm living with war right now
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Message par loupiotteloupiotte » Sam Avr 15, 2006 11:15 pm

putain c'est décidemment un bonne année musicale! :D
Kiss me i'm shitfaced


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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:04 pm
Localisation : Definitivement au fond d'une cuve de guinness

George Bush dans la ligne de mire de Neil Young

Message par Olikatie » Mar Avr 18, 2006 9:52 pm

George Bush dans la ligne de mire de Neil Young


NEW YORK (AFP) - Neil Young s'en prend à George W. Bush dans un nouvel album très anti-guerre qui contient notamment le titre "Impeach the President" ("destituez le président").

Dans un message posté sur son site internet lundi, le chanteur canadien de 60 ans explique que le contenu de l'album, "Living with War", renvoie au rôle protestataire de la musique dans les années 60.

"Je pense que c'est une version métal de Phil Ochs et de Bob Dylan... Une manifestation folk métal ?," écrit-il.

L'album, qui devrait sortir en juin, a été enregistré début avril et inclut un choeur de 100 voix.

"Impeach the President" devrait inclure un morceau rappé, avec la voix de George W. Bush collée aux choeurs chantant "flip/flop".

"C'est une attaque électrique brillante... contre Bush et la guerre en Irak," a dit au magazine musical Harp le réalisateur Jonathan Demme, auteur du récent documentaire salué par la critique "Neil Young: Heart of Gold".

Neil Young a souvent abordé des thèmes politiques au long de sa longue carrière, notamment dans l'album "Ohio", sorti par son groupe Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young après la mort de quatre étudiants lors d'une manifestation contre la guerre du Vietnam à l'université de Kent State en 1970.

Son appartenance politique elle-même a cependant quelque peu varié, ses positions généralement anti-républicaines laissant place dans les années 80 à une période de soutien à Ronald Reagan.

Après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, il choqua même beaucoup de fans en exprimant son soutien au Patriot Act du gouvernement Bush, qui donne de vastes pouvoirs à la police et est critiqué comme une menace sur les libertés civiles.
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Message par yoyo » Mar Avr 18, 2006 10:01 pm

il est productif le neil !!!!! :shock: :D :wink:
Liam, 25 septembre 2012 / Aimy-Sarah, 11 mars 2008 / Juliette, 23 octobre 2005
1996 : Paris
2000 : Paris
2006 : Anvers, Marseille, Paris
2007 : Londres, Nimègue, Werchter
2008 : Ed solo : Los Angeles 1, Los Angeles 2
2009 : Londres
2010 : Dublin, Arras
2012 : Amsterdam 1, Arras, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhague
2014 : Milan
2017 : Ed solo : Amsterdam 1
2018 : Rome
2022 : Paris, Amsterdam 1(canceled), Amsterdam 2
2024 : Berlin 1(canceled), Berlin 2(canceled),Barcelone 1, Barcelone 2
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:21 pm
Localisation : Beaupuits (27) / Dreux (28)

Message par Olikatie » Jeu Avr 20, 2006 6:21 am

Neil Young's new album takes a stand against war


Veteran rocker Neil Young has unleashed a musical critique of U.S. President George W. Bush and his conduct of the war in Iraq.

In his upcoming protest album titled Living with War, the Canadian rock legend calls on Americans to re-think their president's policies in the war-torn country.

"We can make mistakes, that's part of freedom, but we don't all have to believe what our president believes to be patriotic," said Young Tuesday in an interview with CNN.

The Toronto-born, Winnipeg-raised Young says on his website that the newly-finished album was recorded with a "power trio" of an electric guitar, bass, and drums -- plus a trumpet and a 100-member choir.

"I think it is a metal version of Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan. Metal folk protest?" says a moving ticker on Young's website.

The CD -- which includes such bluntly-titled tracks such as Let's Impeach the President -- is yet to be released. But fans are buzzing about the new album filled with anti-war messages.

The title song is the second of 10 tracks on the record, and includes the lyrics:

I'm Living With War right now, and when the dawn breaks I see my fellow man. And on the flat-screen we kill and we're killed again. And when the night falls I pray for peace.

The song also contains lines from the U.S. national anthem: The rocket's red glare / Bombs bursting in air / Give proof through the night / That our flag is still there.

It's somewhat of a change of tune for Young, who came out publicly in support of the controversial U.S. Patriot Act after the attacks of Sept. 11.

Young recorded the song Let's Roll, a tribute to passengers who reportedly fought back against hijackers on doomed United Airlines Flight 93 over Pennsylvania.


But Young was an early opponent of the Iraq war, and he's hardly alone in expressing through music discontent in the actions of the Bush administration.

A steady antiwar sentiment has been brewing since the U.S-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, with superstar acts like the Dixie Chicks and Madonna expressing opposition to the war -- and facing backlash from critics.

These days, mainstream acts seem to be more comfortable expressing critical thoughts.

In a song titled Dear Mr. President, pop superstar Pink unleashes a scathing attack, asking Bush How do you sleep at night? And the always political Seattle band Pearl Jam tells the story of a soldier's death in their song World Wide Suicide on their new album.

"Medals on a wooden mantle. Next to a handsome face. That the president took for granted. Writing checks that others pay," reads the lyrics.

"People were, certainly in the first couple of months, very cautious, and they are less so now," Sean Ross at Edison Media Research, which conducts research for radio stations and others in the U.S., told The Associated Press. "So it took people time to get past whether they were willing to say things."

Popular songs created with a political statement in mind remain in the minority, however, and there has not been an overwhelming indictment by artists of the Bush administration and the Iraq war.
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Message par Olikatie » Sam Avr 22, 2006 11:42 am

Musicians' drumbeat against Iraq war getting louder

If the snippets Neil Young is posting on his Web site are any indication, his upcoming album, "Living With War," will be a serious musical broadside against the Bush administration and the Iraq war.

Young isn't alone in his feelings of discontent.

Pink, known more for her slams against bubble-headed pop stars than political figures, assails President Bush in the searing attack "Dear Mr. President" on her album "I'm Not Dead Yet," released this month. And the new single from Pearl Jam — always politically minded — is titled "World Wide Suicide," about a soldier's death.

All represent a steady, if not increasing anti-war sentiment since the war began in 2003. Whereas even superstar acts like the Dixie Chicks and Madonna faced backlash when they uttered opposition to the war in comments or song, more mainstream acts are more comfortable these days expressing critical thoughts.

"People were, certainly in the first couple of months, very cautious, and they are less so now," said Sean Ross at Edison Media Research in Somerville, which conducts research for radio stations and others. "So it took people time to get past whether they were willing to say things."

After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Young released the song "Let's Roll," about the passengers who helped prevent United flight 93 from reaching its target that day. It was embraced as a patriotic message during a time of crisis.

The few songs that did touch the topic at that time also were patriotic — Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue (The Angry American)" and Paul McCartney's "Freedom."

But Young also was an early opponent of the war. And on "Living With War," the rock legend expresses his frustration in blunt songs such as "Let's Impeach the President."

Justin Sane from the rock group Anti-Flag, which has been active in its opposition to the war and President Bush, said artists always have been at the forefront of social change, and expressing political views in song is a way to bring attention to issues being overlooked in the mainstream media.

"It's left to artists to make the statements that should be getting put into the public discourse that are not," he said.

If there's a growing number of artists expressing their opinions about the war, Sane said, it's because "people who may have ignored it before can no longer ignore it, and artists who ignored it before can no longer ignore it. . . . It just becomes something that is this white elephant in the country and I don't think artists can ignore it any longer."

Still, songs with a political context remain in the minority, and there hasn't been an overwhelming indictment of the war or Bush in a multitude of songs.

"The acid test will be when there is some anti-war commentary on country radio," he said. "That hasn't happened yet."
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Message par MFC » Mar Avr 25, 2006 1:16 am

« Living With War », bientôt disponible à l’écoute sur le Site de Neil Young (24 avril)
« Living With War », le nouvel album de Neil Young, sera disponible gratuitement à l’écoute en ligne à partir de la semaine prochaine sur le site officiel du musicien. Composé de 10 titres, dont un intitulé « Let’s Impeach the President » (« Attaquons le Président), l’album sortira dans le courant du mois de mai. Plus d’infos sur le site officiel.


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