Memphis - 14.10.2014

Tournée Pearl Jam 2014, rumeurs, confirmations, comptes-rendus, souvenirs de la tournée par les membres du forum

Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Denis » Mer Oct 01, 2014 9:35 pm

Lieu : FedEx Forum

Jack White, tu viens?

Poster :

Setlist :

01. Pendulum
02. Wash
03. Low Light
04. Why Go
05. All Night
06. Mind Your Manners
07. Even Flow
08. (untitled improv)- [Ed strums his guitar and begins to wordlessly sing. Eventually he starts saying some phrases as the band quietly accompanies him.]
09. Lightning Bolt
(Ed mentions that he is under the weather and although he was in Texas he doesn't THINK it is Ebola but he did meet a lot of people and shake a lot hands. He warns the audience that if they play ‘Crazy Mary’ and a bottle gets passed around he is legally obligated to warn everyone that they may catch something. “This is a great job but it is very hard when you are sick in the throat so thanks for helping me with the singing tonight.”)
10. Sirens
(This one is about something we love so much but it doesn’t give a fuck about us. It is about the planet.”)
11. 1/2 Full
12. Garden (dedicated to a guy named “Clinton, not Bill. Just a guy named Clinton.”)

(Mike and Ed both have amusing stories. Mike says that he and Matt went to Sun Records Studio today and got a short tour. The person giving the tour said, “Pearl Jam’s drummer came here yesterday.” At first everyone thinks it was someone claiming to be Matt but it turns out it was Dave Krusen. Mike says Dave is at the show tonight. Ed’s story is longer but it involves a bouncer talking shit about Eddie and not recognizing that Ed is standing in front of him.)

13. Alone
14. Wishlist
15. Given To Fly
(“This one goes to Sun Records, to (?) records, to vinyl and to Duck Dunn”)
16. Let The Records Play
17. Spin The Black Circle
18. Black
19. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 1

20. Nothing As It Seems
(we all know music can heal but sometimes it isn’t enough. We heard that a fellow musician passed away....This is for “Ikey”) [Ikey Owens]
21. Come Back
22. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
23. Do The Evolution
24. Breath (someone throws something at Ed while he is reaching out to the people in the barricade. Ed flips them off and says that is fucked up. Pearl Jam security starts to find the guy but Ed tells them not to because “he isn’t doing anything now”. Ed also lets someone in the audience sing a line.)
25. Porch
(Ed sings from the barricade-he warns the people reaching up to him “don’t get sick!”)

Encore Break 2
(Ed notes that they have played a lot of old songs tonight. He states that he remembers hearing those early demos that Matt had played on. Some turned into Pearl Jam songs, some became Temple of The Dog. He said it was all about how Jeff and Stone wrote and he is so thankful to be a part of it.)
26. Once
(Ed indicates that he has a fresh bottle of wine for the audience members so they don’t get sick from his bottle)
27. Crazy Mary-(Williams)
28. Better Man
29. Alive
30. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young) [Jeff and Mike swap instruments]
31. Yellow Ledbetter


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"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par fox » Mer Oct 15, 2014 8:51 am

!!! Terrible setlist !!! :bb:
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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par freddie vedder » Mer Oct 15, 2014 9:02 am

yes bien cool ! et No way et Ghost rayés en bas à droite, cela aurait rajouter 2 énormes raretés.
freddie vedder
Message(s) : 786
Inscription : Jeu Avr 06, 2006 3:53 pm
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Tremoskito » Mer Oct 15, 2014 10:37 am

Ah yes !!
C'est du lourd ça, groooooooosse set list !

Avec quand même 11 morceaux de l'époque Ten :shock:
C'est bon que No Way refasse surface ... dommage qu'ils n'y aient pas pensé en Europe :D
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2280
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par petitike » Mer Oct 15, 2014 11:52 am

...Wash, Garden, Alone, NAIS, Breath... Arf, très bonne setlist ce Memphis 2014.
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Inscription : Sam Mars 03, 2012 4:09 pm

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par XWayne » Mer Oct 15, 2014 12:17 pm

Cela aurait mérité une reprise de Chuck Berry. :wink:

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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Tremoskito » Mer Oct 15, 2014 12:20 pm

XWayne a écrit :Cela aurait mérité une reprise de Chuck Berry. :wink:

Ou d'Eddy M. :) (sans Dorothée :( )
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2280
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par PJB » Mer Oct 15, 2014 3:22 pm

Ten en force !
Breath - Once - Garden ...
Vraiment top. Peut être la meilleure list de cette tournée US pour l'instant !?
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Inscription : Jeu Déc 13, 2012 11:43 am
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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Tremoskito » Mer Oct 15, 2014 3:31 pm

PJB a écrit :Ten en force !
Breath - Once - Garden ...
Vraiment top. Peut être la meilleure list de cette tournée US pour l'instant !?

Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2280
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par freddie vedder » Mer Oct 15, 2014 4:36 pm

Il faudrait une petite de No code pour embellir le tout !
freddie vedder
Message(s) : 786
Inscription : Jeu Avr 06, 2006 3:53 pm
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Tremoskito » Jeu Oct 16, 2014 12:10 pm ... ve-krusen/

Avec un retour sur les circonstances du départ de Dave K
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2280
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par 4cordes » Jeu Oct 16, 2014 3:59 pm

Très bonne setlist, enfin une setlist digne de ce nom pour ce leg us.
Paris 2000 , Leeds 2006 , Anvers 2006 , Marseille 2006 , Paris 2006 , Londres 2007, Rotterdam 2009, Arras 2010, Arras 2012 (to be continued...)

Keep on rockin' in the free world.....

Amandine est née le 21 mars 2006, Ella est arrivée le 22 octobre 2008, et Sibylle la petite dernière le 17 mars 2010
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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par albop » Jeu Oct 16, 2014 4:32 pm

Très belle setlist effectivement mais je crois que je préfère celle de Cincinnati.
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Inscription : Sam Déc 21, 2013 12:29 pm
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par xav » Jeu Oct 16, 2014 5:05 pm

Sympa, mais comme certains, je pense qu'un set sans No Code est quelque part un peu raté...
2000: Paris
2006: Paris
2010: Arras, Werchter
2012: Amsterdam 2, Werchter, Arras
2014: Amsterdam 2
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Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Tremoskito » Jeu Oct 16, 2014 5:12 pm

xav a écrit :Sympa, mais comme certains, je pense qu'un set sans No Code est quelque part un peu raté...

Ce qui est moins vrai pour un set sans Backspacer.
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2280
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Memphis - 14.10.2014

Message par Cécile-PearlJam » Sam Oct 18, 2014 6:50 pm

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