August 8 Seattle

August 8 Seattle

Message par Nanyness » Jeu Fév 08, 2018 7:42 pm

Safeco Field

Walk On Music: Aye Davanita (from Vitalogy album)

Band Onstage: 8:31
Band Offstage: 11:40

01. Long Road
02. Release
03. Low Light
04. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
05. Corduroy
(Ed greets audience and welcomes people from all the different places and is happy to have them here. If the question is why go home, the answer is - it is such a beautiful place. He talks generally about the issues that they are addressing. Comments that when they first played in Seattle not too far from where we are now it only took about 30 minutes and there was less to talk about.)
06. Go
07. Do The Evolution
(“How is everybody on top? (referring to upper level) You know some people like being on top. You know it is a place like this that makes you not miss the Kingdome. Ed mentions that the Kingdome didn’t sound very good. Ed says this song is for Drew from Uncle Neil. Drew was a person they met doing bridge school)
08. Throw Your Hatred Down-(Young)
09. Mind Your Manners
(I’m thinking about being out here in center field. My favorite player is Ichiro. There was a guy number 44, Mike Cameron. The other Seattle Mariner that made magic in this space and the Kingdome and he likes our band okay. I am talking about Randy Johnson, The Big Unit. His favorite band of all time is Soundgarden. Mike plays short Soundgarden riff. Randy would be excited to know that it isn’t Mike Cameron but Matt Cameron in center field at the drum kit
10. Lighting Bolt
(“I want to introduce a guy who grew up in Laurelhurst. He was stuck in his room with his guitar and Stevie Ray Vaughn records. Which is why the first song he wrote was called Laurelhurst Blues.” The band plays a short blues vamp. “But then he grew up and wrote this..”)
11. Given To Fly
(On this next one we have Captiol Hills very own Mr. Stone Gossard. Stone was part of a gang called Newton Street Boys. Was it a gang or chess club? It was a bad ass chess club. Ed notes Stone worked at a bakery, Matt worked at a Kinko’s, Mike worked at a pizza place. So Stone was a baker and by the time we met he had more dough than any of us… Ed makes a comment about his joke wasn’t that bad “Have you heard the president talk?” Ed ends by saying Stone bought some guitars for which Ed is grateful, “You completely changed my life.”)
12. All Those Yesterdays
(Ed relates a story he says he has never told before. He talks about hanging around the warehouse rehearsing in the very early days and meeting a homeless vet he met named Eddie. Ed would buy him the same sandwich that he bought for himself. He goes on to talk about coming home from a European tour and the man wasn’t there. Ed found out the man was living under the Viaduct which was a relief. “I thought I had lost him.” Not much later the homeless vet died. He never knew that he was part of the next song. Ed talks a bit about the homeless and how Eddie either didn’t get or wouldn’t take help.)
13. Even Flow
14. Help-(Lennon, McCartney) (Ed solo on electric guitar) single verse and chorus not complete song
15. Help, Help
16. Black
(Ed spots a sign in the audience that he likes. It reads, “I had to get a divorce to see Pear Jam” on one side and “Now I have A Better Man” on the other side. Ed says the next guy is from Big Sandy which is not his mom’s nickname. It is a small town in Montana. He came here in the early 80’s and he saw The Who and The Clash. He had a job making coffee. He met a guy there named Andy Wood and that was a life changer. I was gonna play this one for the big sky of Montana.)
17. Setting Forth
18. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt) [fast version] (Ed takes a long thoughtful pause after bridge before going back into the chorus)
19. Porch (EV goes to the barricade for the end)

Encore Break One

(“We didn’t come all this way to fuck around too much. We were just talking about which songs to play. I feel like a waiter with too many tables, I want to make sure everyone is getting taken care of.” He checks on various sections. He spots some young kids in the audience having fun which is a good sign. It means it is safe. He hears one kid has been to four shows, “You know at five you get to play with band.” He notes that the band has about 10 kids between them, “Matt has nine…” Ed is grateful for the notoriety of playing music but he says it is the audience that allows them to play. Not only does the audience support them and keep the families happy but it gives us a reason to get together and play and love each other. As parents we know there are some people that deserve more notice than they receive. There are teachers that have changed our lives. He tells a story about Kurt Vonnegut at a lecture asking the audience to raise their hand if they had one special teacher that changed their lives. Almost everyone did. Eddie does the same thing with the audience. His kids have brought their favorite teacher here and Ed wants to play a song for them.)
20. We Are Gonna Be Friends-(Jack White)-during the song Ed’s daughters bring their favorite teachers out on stage. At the end Ed introduces the teachers. Rene Smith and Marsha Lovely (?)
21. Nothing As It Seems
(Speaks briefly about writing about what you know and experiences)
22. Let Me Sleep
23. Breath (During song Ed goes to edge of stage and PA and hands a pick to security to give to a kid who is at the barricade)

(Ed praises the audience with “Good singing” and introduces another good singer, Brandi Carlisle.. Ed asks Brandi how long it took her to write the song. She replies, “Oh, about a year.” Ed says, “Wow, now I don’t feel so bad…well it was worth every minute.” Ed talks about covering the song for a benefit album and Brandi said playing with them is a dream come true.
24. Again Today-(Carlile) with Brandi Carlile
25. State Of Love And Trust
26. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 2
(There is someone we haven’t introduced yet. He grew up in a small town. He is a big man with big hands. He has been with the band for 18 years and he is still the new guy. And there is a young man from San Diego who moved here in his early twenties. Now I have lived here over half my life. Ed goes on to talk about working with various organizations and have managed to raise over 11 million dollars to work on eradicating homelessness. Once you get going on something you want to do more of it. So I am gonna ask you to do something you were already gonna do. Which is vote. Get out there and vote. There are good people out there. Get active. We can do this.)

27. Wasted Reprise
28. Better Man /Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (essentially just sings “Don’t runaway” before going into the outro)
29. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters)
30. Alive
31. I’ve Got A Feeling-(Lennon, McCartney)
(“Thank You Seattle, thank you very much, all the flags…Happy Birthday Simon” [Ed’s tech Simon]
32. Rockin' In The Free World-(Young)
(Thanks so much to everyone in the building. Thanks to small businesses and the big businesses. It just takes some effort and coming together so let’s continue it.)
33. Yellow Ledbetter / Little Wing-(Hendrix) tag only 30 seconds





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Inscription : Sam Mars 24, 2012 5:47 pm

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par blackstars » Mar Fév 13, 2018 1:33 am

Présent en GA 10C avec une place en rab si quelqu'un est intéressé. :band:
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Inscription : Sam Jan 30, 2016 10:11 am

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Juin 08, 2018 2:14 pm

The Home Shows will be our first Seattle concerts in 5 years.

Most of us grew up here. Over the past 28 years, the City of Seattle’s population has grown by 28%. The region's homelessness population is now the third largest in the country, with over 12,000 people living without shelter on any one night. This is not a number to be proud of.

These shows are about shining a spotlight on the problem and solutions to homelessness in our hometown and joining a growing list of businesses, individuals, government agencies, and foundations who are collaborating to tackle the biggest public health crisis to hit our community in recent history.

Band together with us by donating, volunteering, and getting more informed!



Portraits Contributed by: Rex Hohlbein, Facing Homelessness
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Juin 29, 2018 10:29 am

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Lun Juil 02, 2018 5:45 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Août 01, 2018 9:19 pm


#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Sam Août 04, 2018 5:46 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par Jezus » Sam Août 04, 2018 6:31 pm

Quelqu'un a réussi à commander le whisky ? A priori livraison Us only... :(
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Dim Août 05, 2018 7:23 pm





#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Dim Août 05, 2018 10:03 pm

Unpacking Homelessness

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par froggy bunnyman » Lun Août 06, 2018 12:13 pm

Pour les posters 2018, ils finissent vraiment en beauté....

Quelle horreur !
A part Prague de mémoire, tous les posters sont à vomir :lol: :beurk2:
Paris + Marseille 2006, Londres + Werchter 2007, Belfast + Arras 2010, Arras 2012, Lollapalooza Paris 2022...
Spin, spin !
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froggy bunnyman
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Lun Août 06, 2018 2:57 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par froggy bunnyman » Lun Août 06, 2018 5:01 pm

Oh putain................... :lol:
Bon, en même temps, c'est trèèèès américain
Là, on est dans le ridicule XXXXL quand même

Faire ça pour le téléthon, Ok
Mais on parle de grunge, de Pearl Jam là quand même !!
Paris + Marseille 2006, Londres + Werchter 2007, Belfast + Arras 2010, Arras 2012, Lollapalooza Paris 2022...
Spin, spin !
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froggy bunnyman
Message(s) : 2856
Inscription : Mar Fév 14, 2006 4:51 pm

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Lun Août 06, 2018 5:36 pm

T'es homelessness ? Bouffes des cupcakes !
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par Denis » Lun Août 06, 2018 9:21 pm

froggy bunnyman a écrit :Oh putain................... :lol:
Bon, en même temps, c'est trèèèès américain
Là, on est dans le ridicule XXXXL quand même

Faire ça pour le téléthon, Ok
Mais on parle de grunge, de Pearl Jam là quand même !!

bah, si ça suffisait pour qu'ils viennent en france je parie que tu les mangerais, les cupcakes :mrgreen:
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par Given to flut » Lun Août 06, 2018 9:36 pm

A quand le pain au chocolat PJ ??
Given to flut
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par froggy bunnyman » Lun Août 06, 2018 11:03 pm

Denis a écrit :
froggy bunnyman a écrit :Oh putain................... :lol:
Bon, en même temps, c'est trèèèès américain
Là, on est dans le ridicule XXXXL quand même

Faire ça pour le téléthon, Ok
Mais on parle de grunge, de Pearl Jam là quand même !!

bah, si ça suffisait pour qu'ils viennent en france je parie que tu les mangerais, les cupcakes :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Pas faux ! Pour un concert à Paris, j'en boufferais même des kilos :lol:
Paris + Marseille 2006, Londres + Werchter 2007, Belfast + Arras 2010, Arras 2012, Lollapalooza Paris 2022...
Spin, spin !
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froggy bunnyman
Message(s) : 2856
Inscription : Mar Fév 14, 2006 4:51 pm

Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par XWayne » Mar Août 07, 2018 1:23 am

Given to flut a écrit :A quand le pain au chocolat PJ ??

Chocolatine! :twisted:
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par fifi » Mar Août 07, 2018 11:18 am

Jezus a écrit :Quelqu'un a réussi à commander le whisky ? A priori livraison Us only... :(

mets ton argent dans des whisky digne de ce nom…... :lol:
j'ai décidé d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé VOLTAIRE
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Re: August 8 Seattle

Message par Jezus » Mar Août 07, 2018 12:03 pm

fifi a écrit :
Jezus a écrit :Quelqu'un a réussi à commander le whisky ? A priori livraison Us only... :(

mets ton argent dans des whisky digne de ce nom…... :lol:

L'un n'empêche pas l'autre hein. :lol:
07/11/1996 : Paris
08/06/2000 : Paris
01/09/2006 : Barcelona - 09/09/2006 : Massilia - 11/09/2006 : Paris - 19/09/2006 : Torino - 25/09/2006 : Wien
18/06/2007 : London
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29/06/2012 : Werchter - 04/07/2012 : Berlin - 05/07/2012 : Berlin
18/06/2018 : London - 05/07/2018 : Berlin - 10/07/2018 : Barcelona - 17/07/2018 : London
17/07/2022 : Paris - 25/07/2022 : Amsterdam
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Message(s) : 5187
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
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