Gigaton : impressions

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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par BEN.HYPE » Lun Mars 23, 2020 2:20 pm

J'avais posté mon ressenti sur la page facebook Pearl Jamily France, page très sympa quipart parfois un peu dans tous les sens mais quia l'avantage d'être privée... J'ai pas le talent journalistique et je l'ai écrit à 4h du mat donc voilà quoi...

J'vais y aller de mon p'tit (edit: en fait il est grand) ressenti. Dans l'ensemble je suis complètement conquis, on a attendu 7 ans mais ça en valait la peine, j'en avait marre des albums vite fait même si Lightning Bolt était pour moi au dessus du lot de la trilogie post Riot Act il manquait un truc presque à chaque fois, ici la plupart des morceaux ont leurs lot de surprises et l'ensemble sonne beaucoup plus "sincère".

le refrain de Who Ever Said m'est resté dès la première écoute dans la tête, c'est super efficace, il tire un peu en longueur mais apparemment Vedder avait des trucs à dire...

Superblood Wolfmoon je l'adorais déjà, je l'adore encore...

Dance Of The Clairvoyant était vraiment le single parfait pour introduire l'album, je suis vraiment fan de ce morceau...

Quick Escape j'aime beaucoup mais c'est pas spécialement un coup de coeur malgré sa perfection parce qu'elle est parfaite je finirais par l'adorer...

Alright!!! Putain ça par contre c'est vraiment mon premier coup de coeur à la première écoute, l'utilisation des sons electro si ça en est, (je sais pas) sont vraiment classe, la voix de Vedder est magnifique, j'ai l'impression qu'il chante comme à la belle époque et puis cette batterie, c'est quand même mieux quand il se sort les doigts du cul, putain...

Seven o' clock, ouai elle est cool, Eddie débite du texte sur cet album... C'est quand même fort du Light Years, mais malgré tout gros boulot au niveau de la prod et super agréable à écouter mais pas ma favorite...

Never Destination est sympa sans plus, des parties sont cool mais dans l'ensemble pas inoubliable... Mention honorable pour Mike qui mangeait des lions avant d'enregistrer...

Take The Long Way c'est du Cameron à 1000% on dirait un morceau de King Animal (que j'adore), plus je l'écoute plus je l'aime, super refrain...

Puis mon 2ème gros coup de coeur Buckle Up, ça ressemble tellement a du Stone, la voix de Vedder est magnifique, la batterie soutenue qui contraste, le loop de guitare qui déchire, les petits sons qui enrichissent le tout... Perfection!!!

Comes Then Gone, encore un coup de coeur, je trouve que la mélodie fait nineties a mort, elle aurait pu être sur VS sans soucis et j'adore ce son de guitare, putain il faisait quoi Brendan o' Brien? ça sonne tellement bien comme ça...

Retrograde a été ma première déception à la première écoute mais plus je l'écoute plus elle rentre, elle aurait pu être sur Backspacer sauf qu'encore une fois la prod sauve vachement le truc et puis la fin déchire...

Puis River Cross que je connaissais déjà et que j'adorais est superbement arrangée, encore une fois o' brien serait passé par là, enfin j'ose même pas imaginer, certainement la plus belle fin d'un album de Pearl Jam, ouai Release, Indifference, Immortality, je sais mais là on touche au divin pour moi...

Perso j'adore la fin de l'album elle est plus calme mais super intense...

Désolé c'est long, confinement tout ça mais vous êtes pas obligé de lire non plus, évidement si vous lisez ça en dernier c'est trop tard, j'aurais du le mettre plus haut tient...

Prenez soin de vous
Amsterdam, Netherlands 11-06-1996
Paris, France 11-07-1996
Paris, France 06-08-2000
Arnhem, Netherlands 08-29-2006
Antwerp, Belgium 08-30-2006
Werchter, Belgium 06-29-2007
Werchter, Belgium 07-04-2010
Werchter, Belgium 06-29-2012
Eddie Vedder: Antwerp, Belgium 06-19-2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands 06-13-2018

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Message(s) : 872
Inscription : Mer Déc 01, 2010 8:47 pm
Localisation : Wallifornia, BE

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par arno94 » Lun Mars 23, 2020 2:58 pm

Bonjour à tous,
Cet album m'accompagne désormais tous les jours et ça aide bien.
L'ayant commandé en vinyle, je pense que la face B du 1er disque va être pour moi la meilleure :
Quick Escape, Alright et 7 O'clock!
Très bel album!
Message(s) : 18
Inscription : Lun Fév 06, 2006 7:17 pm

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Yayap » Lun Mars 23, 2020 6:41 pm

Je rejoins un peu le ressenti global. C'est une très belle surprise, certes je n'attendais plus forcément grand chose de Pearl Jam en 2020 côté studio... Si ce n'est pas révolutionnaire original dans l'ensemble, on sent quand même que le groupe a retrouvé quelque chose, une certaine sincérité comme l'évoque BEN.HYPE. Pas de morceaux "gimmicks" ou qui ressemble à des c/c en moins bien de ce qu'ils ont déjà fait avant, chaque morceau ou presque a une vraie identité, ça fait plaisir ! On sent que le changement de producteur leur fait un bien fou, ça sonne beaucoup moins plat et ringard que du temps de BOB, y'a plein d'idées d'arrangement sympas, et surtout une vraie ampleur sonore qui faisait vraiment défaut aux derniers albums.

Je peux déjà dire que Quick Escape est mon coup de coeur instantané, pas mal de morceau m'ont tapé dans l'oreille (7 O'Clock, Retrograde, Buckle Up, Who Ever Said) mais il faudra encore quelques écoutes pour dégrossir tout ça. Et petit ventre mou avec Never Destination et Take The Long Way qui sont des rockers tout à fait sympathiques mais plus dispensables que le reste.
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Message(s) : 630
Inscription : Mer Août 29, 2007 3:03 pm

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par vedder » Lun Mars 23, 2020 7:52 pm

Je l'ai écoute deja 5/6 fois, voici mon ressenti :

Pour moi globalement il est meilleur que Binaural, Riot Act, Backspacer, lightning bolt, Pearl jam et no code,mais en dessous de Yield, VS, Ten et vitalogy, donc tres bien placé dans leur discographie !!
Les arrangements et la qualité des compositions sont vraiment au dessus de ce qu'ils ont fais precedement.
Alors, certe il y a des morceaux punk/pop (Superblood Wolfmoon) mais au dessus des precedents titre (supersonic, The getaway) et des ballades facon into the wild mais meilleures que celles presentes dans backspacer ou LB.

Who ever said : j'adore ce morceau car le rythme est vraiment la, on rentre bien dans l'album et les changements de rythmes sont vraiment top, super production aussi
Superblood wolfmoom : j'aimais moyen ce morceau au debut mais quand on l'ecoute au sein de l'album il a vraiment sa place et suis parfaitement bien Who ever said
Dance of the clayrevoyant : Au debut , decontenance comme tout le monde, et au final je me suis dit "mais qu'est ce qu'on pouvait entendre de mieu venant d'un groupe comme pearl jam" car oui PJ a toujours su se reinventer ou proposer des morceau borderline et ne venant pas du grunge (stupid mop, bugs, push me pull me...) mais au final c'est aussi ce qu'on aime et j'adore la rage qui emane du chant de vedder.
Quick escape : Mon morceau prefere d'album, cela sonne comme du audioslave (basse, solo de guitare) , un must !!
allright : Bon instru, arrangement super, un bon morceau mais sans plus
7 o clock : alors autant j'adore les premieres minutes, autant j'aime moins la fin, je trouve que le morceau aurait du etre plus court pour gagner en intensite mais cela reste mon avis personnel.
Never destination : Sympa, la batterie passe bien, cela me fais penser à MFC
Take the long way : mon 2 eme coup de coeur, l'energie du punk présent dans Avocado mais la finesse en plus.
Buckle up : la chanson que j'aime le moins, seul les arrangement sont sympas
Come then goes : Ballade parfaite comme j'aime, la guitare est top !!
Retrograde : morceau que j'ai du mal encore a savoir si il me plait ou pas,je verrais sur la longueur
River cross : super morceau avec l'orgue qui va bien , parfait pour finir

En conclusion , cet album est une synthese plutot reussie de tout ce qu'ils on pu faire ces derniere années sans jamais l'atteindre :
- La cohérence de composition et la production d'un Yield
- La rage et l'energie d'un pearl jam mais sans le cote "ca passe ou ca casse"
- L'inventivite pour certains morceau mais sans casser la structure de l'album
- Les ballades cher à eddie mais sans le cote gnan gnan des dernieres productions
- Marseille 09/09/2006
Message(s) : 20
Inscription : Dim Avr 09, 2006 3:11 am

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Mc Nulty » Mar Mars 24, 2020 11:30 am

Tiens, Vedder on se rejoint sur pas mal de trucs :)
En revanche, pour moi, c'est quand même pas du niveau de Binaural, et encore moins de No Code ( :love: )
Ma chronique :

1996 : Paris
2010 : Londres, Lisbonne
2012 : Manchester 2
2014 : Amsterdam 1 et 2, Berlin, Stockholm, Milton Keynes
2016 : Boston 2
2018 : Prague, Berlin
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Mc Nulty
Message(s) : 396
Inscription : Mar Fév 26, 2013 5:29 pm

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Mikeb » Mar Mars 24, 2020 3:54 pm

Comes then goes ça serait pas la première fois qu'Ed "parle", "ecrit" quelque chose sur Cornell? Je n'ai pas réussi à déchiffrer/comprendre toute les paroles mais il y a quand-même pas mal de passage qui me font penser à Chris.
1996 London- Zurich
2000 Zurich - London
2006 Bern
2010 Berlin
2014 Berlin
2018 Barcelona - Seattle
Message(s) : 2247
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
Localisation : Suisse

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Mars 24, 2020 5:04 pm

En parlant de paroles:

1- Who Ever Said (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Drowning in their dissertations
Random speakers in my mind
Yeah, they never stop their fortifications
And blocking my precious time
You used to let it go and let it float away
You don't get to speak with twice as much to say
It's all in the delivery
Said the messenger who is now dead
Was all on the periphery
I didn't see him but I heard what he said
Aw sideways talk poisoning our thoughts
Everyone walks and it's no one's fault
Whoever said it's all been said
Gave up on satisfaction
Home is where the broken heart is
Home is where every scar is
Blinking stars, beneath you roam
Room to tomb and cradle to grave
All the answers will be found
In the mistakes that we have made
One bad ear and one eye blind
It takes a village but don't take mine
Living forward in a backwards town
I feed 'em drinks just to watch 'em drown
Swallow my pencil and bleed out my pen
Surrender the wish we'll be together again
But I won't give up
No I won't give up on satisfaction.. satisfaction
Pull myself aside on a sleepless night
Sadness blurs, I'm in need of a light
Out of balance, balance, balance this time
I'm feeling fading calling as I'm falling out of sight
As the silence gets louder my heart gets pounding
And ventricles pumping, working overtime
Our freedoms fraught with danger being circumscribed
A life cut short and circumcised
A rubble of commandments from the road, step aside
A rumble of commandments in the road, step aside
Whoever said it's all been said
Gave up on satisfaction

2- Superblood Wolfmoon (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
I can hear you, sing in the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
I ask for forgiveness, I beg of myself
feeling angry, knock it off the shelf
Right now I feel, a lack of innocence searching for reveal
hypnotonic resonance I feel
not much of anything, and the cause is life or death
Don't allow for hopelessness, focus on your focusedness
I've been hoping that our hope dies last
I don't know anything, I question everything
This life I love is going way too fast
Both my eyes are swollen
my face is broken
And I'm hopin that I hurt your
hopin that I hurt your
hopin that I hurt your fist
She was a stunner, and I am stunned
And the first thought or second thought was 'could be the one'
I was a prisoner, her keys and her cuffs
I was feeling fortunate to be locked up
But the world kept spining, always felt like it was ending
and love not withstanding we are each of us fucked
I'm in danger, feelin the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
I ask for forgiveness, I beg of myself
feelin angry knock it off the shelf
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
I can hear you, singing in the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
Focus on your focusness, don't allow for hopelessness
I've been hoping that our hope dies last
I don't know anything, I question everything
This life I love is going way too fast

3- Dance Of The Clairvoyants (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)
Verse 1]
Confusion is to commotion
What love is to our devotion
Deceptively big
As big as the ocean
And equally hard to control
So save your predictions
And burn your assumptions
Love is friction
Ripe for comfort
Endless equations
And tugging persuasions
Doors open up
To interpretation

Expecting perfection
Leaves a lot to ignore
When the past is the present
And the future's no more
When every tomorrow
Is the same as before

[Verse 2]
The looser things get
The tighter you become
The looser things get
Not one man
Can be greater than the sum
It's not a negative thought
I'm positive, positive, positive
Falling down, not staying down
Could'a held me up, rather than tearing me down
Drown in the river

Expecting perfection
Leaves a lot to ignore
When the past is the present
And the future's no more
When every tomorrow
Is the same as before

[Verse 3]
Numbers keep falling off the calendar's floor
We're stuck in our boxes
Windows open no more
Couldn't lift up the forget-me-nots
Not recalling what they're for
I'm in love with clairvoyants
'Cause they're out of this world

I know the girls wanna dance
Fall away their circumstance
I know the boys wanna grow
Their dicks and fix and file things
I know the girls wanna dance
Clairvoyants in a trance
I know the boys wanna grow
Their dicks and fix and file things

Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
(I know the girls wanna dance away their circumstance)
(I know the boys wanna grow, their dicks and fix and file things)
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes

4- Quick Escape (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Reconnaissance on the corner
In the old world not so far
First we took an airplane
Then a boat to Zanzibar

Queen cranking on the blaster
And Mercury did rise
Come along where we all belonged
You were yours and I was mine

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

Crossed the border to Morocco
Kashmir then Marrakesh
The lengths we had to go to then
To find a place Trump hadn't fucked up yet

Living life on the back porch
Lifting rocks to make a wage
Every sunset paid attention to
Not a starry night went to waste

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

And here we are, the red planet
Craters across the skyline
A sleep sack in a bivouac
And a Kerouac sense of time

And we think about the old days
Of green grass, sky and red wine
Shouldn't known so fragile
And avoided this one-way flight

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

5- Alright (lyrics:Jeff Ament)

You can't hide the lies
In the rings of a tree
If your heart still beats free
Keep it for yourself
When you want to run
And leave some part unrevealed
Like the flight of the bee
Keep it for yourself
It's alright to be alone
To listen for a heartbeat
It's your own
It's alright to quiet up
To disappear in thin air
It's your own
Should your living truth die
Could be an acid trip
Leave the eucharist whole
Keep it for yourself
If you tire of the game
Hit the road towards the clouds
Find the groove in the sound
Keep it for yourself
It's alright to say no
Be a disappointment in your own home
It's alright to turn it off
Ignore the rules of the state
It's your own
It's alright to shut it down
Disappear in thin air
It's your home
It's alright to be alone
To listen for a heartbeat
It's your own
You can't hide your eyes

6- Seven O'clock (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Seven O'clock in the morning
Got a message from afar
Down under an oasis
where there are dreams still being born
and some spoke to winter (?) and all encouraging words
and I was fully grateful with the messages (?) heard
Moved on from my (?) and left it in the bed
Do I leave it (?) sleep or maybe kill it better yet

For this is no time for depression or self-indulgence hesitance
this fucked up situation calls for all hands, hands on deck
Freedom is as freedom does and freedom is a verb
They give and they take and you fight to keep that what you've earned
Resolve the destination, got so close before it turn
swim sideways from this undertow and do not be deterred
Float like dreams all drifting pass
all the lies we could (?)
distance loss floating above
close this eyes exiting home
Caught the butterfly ,broke its wing and put it on display
watch (?) all its beauty once it could not fly high away
Still alive like a (?) overdosed on gamma rays
another God's creation destined to be thrown away
Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse they forged the north and west
and you got Sitting Bullshit as our sitting president
Talking to his mirror , whats he says, what it says back
A tragedy of errors, who'll be last to have a laugh?

His best days gone, hard to admit
Throwing angry punches with nothing to hit
Luminous thoughts were once all he had
Fading Lights , lost eloquence
There's still a fire in the engine room
knows relieve will be coming soon

What's to be done
Carve a path for Rivers reign
Much to be done, oceans rising with the waves
Held by this thoughts they refuse to slip away
Hangman in dreamland about to call your name
Much to be done , Much to be...

7- Never Destination (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Blisters on my fingers, blisters on my brain
Blisters on my voices, crazy makes him sane
An angry sea, an ocean in my eyes
The waves are rolling, I'm becoming blind
I won't be taken, won't take myself
Kicking and screaming, have to knock me off the shelf
Feels like illusion, is this taking place
Disease and confusion, stripped off ---- place
Don't want to leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
Some resolution, some distance tied
To this collusion, hiding in plain sight
So see you later, never say goodbye
This little trick I play on my own mind
I'm a recluse in search of new friends
How they gonna find me back where the road ends
Off on the distance ….
"50 foot and breaking on my innocence"
Don't want to leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
I can't believe it, these endless lies
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Makes us alive ,should we survive
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Keeps us alive, survive
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Thank you Mudhoney
Thanks …..
…., this place let me go
Off on the distance ….
50 foot and breaking ……
I won't be taken, won't take myself
Kicking and screaming, have to knock me off the shelf
So see you later
Never say goodbye
This little trick I play on my own end
Don't want leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
She was in a singer in a rock and roll band
Had command of all her voices
Turned herself into a hologram
It all came down to choices
So I say to them, never say goodbye
A little trick I play on my mind

8- Take The Long Way (lyrics:Matt Cameron)

You got me through these feelings
That separate me from you
I put myself through a beating
Need you to pull me through
I'll break through these feelings
I'll break through the ceiling
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
Now's the time to resurface
Take back me and you
The hammer will fall on purpose
Our time, our truth
I'll break through these feelings
I'll break through the ceiling
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
Plant a seed in your mind
What's yours is mine
Show me how to live divine
What's yours is mine
Back to a moment in your mind
Go back in time
Show me how to live divine
What's yours is mine

9- Buckle Up (lyrics:Stone Gossard)

I got blood
Blood on my hands
The stain of, of a human
I finally awoke
To my mother's wrath
Call lights
Bed sores and sponge baths
Firstly do no harm
Then put your seatbelt on
Buckle up
The drapes pull back
Reveal her wound
Her boy on her lap
A murderer groomed
Antiquities lost
Lost to the Nile
A sudden slip
A fall on the tile
Firstly do no harm
Then put your seatbelt on
Buckle up

10- Comes Then Goes (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

High or low, where'd you go
Are you stuck in the middle
A spectral invisible ghost
I'm here juxtaposed
Like images of angels in the snow
Our courage melts away, it comes then goes
Where you been, can I find
A glimpse of my friend
Don't know where or when one of us left
The other behind
Divisions came and troubles multiplied
Incisions made by scalpel blades of time
Comes then goes
Comes then goes
Cannot say "how ya been?"
I can guess and conjecture
My altered perceptions unclear
Please interfere
Sadness comes, with it a sea of tears
Would some love be best had it not appeared?
Is this you? Here I stand
Intense recollections of pain
Self-neglecting again
Like you I keep it in
Thought you found a game where you could win
It's all vivisection in the end
Comes and goes
Comes and goes
Comes and goes
High or low, try again
She fell off the altar
A vision you caught her but then
A woodcut in red
I wish it was not you that she had left
Selfish navigation with no end
Where'd ya sleep?
Can I find a deeper connection
In the face of rejection
I'm trying
I'm trying
Evidence in the echoes of your mind
Leads to me to believe we missed the signs
Can I try one last time?
We could all use a savior from human behavior sometimes
And the kids are alright
The Queen of Collections took your time
Sadness comes 'cause some of it was mine
Comes then goes
Comes then goes
Comes and goes
Comes and goes

11- Retrograde (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

Comes the summer rain
Cue the lighting and far off thunder again
Projecting through the clouds
Meditations lifting out in the sound
The more mistakes the more resolve
It's gonna take much more than ordinary love
To lift this up
Stars align they say when things are better then right now
Feel the retrograde spin us round round round
Seven seas are raising forever future's fading out
Feel the retrograde all around round round
Accelerate the change
Feeling equal opposite all the same
Momentum rearranged
Shout the echo, turning back but now changed
The rusted shapes refuse to fall
It's gonna take much more than ordinary love
To lift this up
Stars align they say when times are better than right now
Feel the retrograde spin us round round round
Seven seas are raising forever future's fading out
Feel the retrograde all around round round
Hear the sounds in the distance now
Could be thunder or a crowd
Feel the sound (feel the sound)

12- River Cross (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

Always thought I'd cross that river
The other side distant now
As I got close it turned and widened
The horizon now, fading out
Drifting in the undertow
Can't spot a figure on dry land
And afterthoughts of safety
When in truth, none to be had
None to be had
I used to tell time by my shadow
'til the thunder clouds, they took the stage
These days will end, as do the light's rays
Another read of the same page
Wide awake through this deepest night
Still waiting on the sun
As the hours seem to multiple
Find a star and soldier on
Living beneath a lion's paw
Knowing nothing can be tamed
Can be tamed
I want this dream to last forever
A wish denied to lengthen our time
I wish this moment was never ending
Let it be a lie that all future's die
While the government thrives on discontent
And there's no such thing as clear
Proselytizing and profiting
As our will all but just disappears
Folded over, forced in a choke hold
Outnumbered and held down
And all these talk of rapture
Look around at the promise now
Here and now
Here and now
Can't hold me down
Can't hold me down
Won't hold us down
Won't hold us down
Live it out
Let it out
Get it out
Shout it out
Won't hold us down
Won't hold us down
Share the light
Won't hold us down
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par dranx » Mar Mars 24, 2020 5:22 pm

dvi2702 a écrit :En parlant de paroles:

1- Who Ever Said (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Drowning in their dissertations
Random speakers in my mind
Yeah, they never stop their fortifications
And blocking my precious time
You used to let it go and let it float away
You don't get to speak with twice as much to say
It's all in the delivery
Said the messenger who is now dead
Was all on the periphery
I didn't see him but I heard what he said
Aw sideways talk poisoning our thoughts
Everyone walks and it's no one's fault
Whoever said it's all been said
Gave up on satisfaction
Home is where the broken heart is
Home is where every scar is
Blinking stars, beneath you roam
Room to tomb and cradle to grave
All the answers will be found
In the mistakes that we have made
One bad ear and one eye blind
It takes a village but don't take mine
Living forward in a backwards town
I feed 'em drinks just to watch 'em drown
Swallow my pencil and bleed out my pen
Surrender the wish we'll be together again
But I won't give up
No I won't give up on satisfaction.. satisfaction
Pull myself aside on a sleepless night
Sadness blurs, I'm in need of a light
Out of balance, balance, balance this time
I'm feeling fading calling as I'm falling out of sight
As the silence gets louder my heart gets pounding
And ventricles pumping, working overtime
Our freedoms fraught with danger being circumscribed
A life cut short and circumcised
A rubble of commandments from the road, step aside
A rumble of commandments in the road, step aside
Whoever said it's all been said
Gave up on satisfaction

2- Superblood Wolfmoon (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
I can hear you, sing in the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
I ask for forgiveness, I beg of myself
feeling angry, knock it off the shelf
Right now I feel, a lack of innocence searching for reveal
hypnotonic resonance I feel
not much of anything, and the cause is life or death
Don't allow for hopelessness, focus on your focusedness
I've been hoping that our hope dies last
I don't know anything, I question everything
This life I love is going way too fast
Both my eyes are swollen
my face is broken
And I'm hopin that I hurt your
hopin that I hurt your
hopin that I hurt your fist
She was a stunner, and I am stunned
And the first thought or second thought was 'could be the one'
I was a prisoner, her keys and her cuffs
I was feeling fortunate to be locked up
But the world kept spining, always felt like it was ending
and love not withstanding we are each of us fucked
I'm in danger, feelin the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
I ask for forgiveness, I beg of myself
feelin angry knock it off the shelf
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
Superblood Wolfmoon, took her away too soon
I can hear you, singing in the distance
I can see you when I close my eyes
Once you were somewhere, and now you're everywhere
I'm feeling selfish and I want what's right
Focus on your focusness, don't allow for hopelessness
I've been hoping that our hope dies last
I don't know anything, I question everything
This life I love is going way too fast

3- Dance Of The Clairvoyants (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)
Verse 1]
Confusion is to commotion
What love is to our devotion
Deceptively big
As big as the ocean
And equally hard to control
So save your predictions
And burn your assumptions
Love is friction
Ripe for comfort
Endless equations
And tugging persuasions
Doors open up
To interpretation

Expecting perfection
Leaves a lot to ignore
When the past is the present
And the future's no more
When every tomorrow
Is the same as before

[Verse 2]
The looser things get
The tighter you become
The looser things get
Not one man
Can be greater than the sum
It's not a negative thought
I'm positive, positive, positive
Falling down, not staying down
Could'a held me up, rather than tearing me down
Drown in the river

Expecting perfection
Leaves a lot to ignore
When the past is the present
And the future's no more
When every tomorrow
Is the same as before

[Verse 3]
Numbers keep falling off the calendar's floor
We're stuck in our boxes
Windows open no more
Couldn't lift up the forget-me-nots
Not recalling what they're for
I'm in love with clairvoyants
'Cause they're out of this world

I know the girls wanna dance
Fall away their circumstance
I know the boys wanna grow
Their dicks and fix and file things
I know the girls wanna dance
Clairvoyants in a trance
I know the boys wanna grow
Their dicks and fix and file things

Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
(I know the girls wanna dance away their circumstance)
(I know the boys wanna grow, their dicks and fix and file things)
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes
Stand back when the spirit comes

4- Quick Escape (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Reconnaissance on the corner
In the old world not so far
First we took an airplane
Then a boat to Zanzibar

Queen cranking on the blaster
And Mercury did rise
Come along where we all belonged
You were yours and I was mine

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

Crossed the border to Morocco
Kashmir then Marrakesh
The lengths we had to go to then
To find a place Trump hadn't fucked up yet

Living life on the back porch
Lifting rocks to make a wage
Every sunset paid attention to
Not a starry night went to waste

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

And here we are, the red planet
Craters across the skyline
A sleep sack in a bivouac
And a Kerouac sense of time

And we think about the old days
Of green grass, sky and red wine
Shouldn't known so fragile
And avoided this one-way flight

Had to quick escape
Had to quick escape

5- Alright (lyrics:Jeff Ament)

You can't hide the lies
In the rings of a tree
If your heart still beats free
Keep it for yourself
When you want to run
And leave some part unrevealed
Like the flight of the bee
Keep it for yourself
It's alright to be alone
To listen for a heartbeat
It's your own
It's alright to quiet up
To disappear in thin air
It's your own
Should your living truth die
Could be an acid trip
Leave the eucharist whole
Keep it for yourself
If you tire of the game
Hit the road towards the clouds
Find the groove in the sound
Keep it for yourself
It's alright to say no
Be a disappointment in your own home
It's alright to turn it off
Ignore the rules of the state
It's your own
It's alright to shut it down
Disappear in thin air
It's your home
It's alright to be alone
To listen for a heartbeat
It's your own
You can't hide your eyes

6- Seven O'clock (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Seven O'clock in the morning
Got a message from afar
Down under an oasis
where there are dreams still being born
and some spoke to winter (?) and all encouraging words
and I was fully grateful with the messages (?) heard
Moved on from my (?) and left it in the bed
Do I leave it (?) sleep or maybe kill it better yet

For this is no time for depression or self-indulgence hesitance
this fucked up situation calls for all hands, hands on deck
Freedom is as freedom does and freedom is a verb
They give and they take and you fight to keep that what you've earned
Resolve the destination, got so close before it turn
swim sideways from this undertow and do not be deterred
Float like dreams all drifting pass
all the lies we could (?)
distance loss floating above
close this eyes exiting home
Caught the butterfly ,broke its wing and put it on display
watch (?) all its beauty once it could not fly high away
Still alive like a (?) overdosed on gamma rays
another God's creation destined to be thrown away
Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse they forged the north and west
and you got Sitting Bullshit as our sitting president
Talking to his mirror , whats he says, what it says back
A tragedy of errors, who'll be last to have a laugh?

His best days gone, hard to admit
Throwing angry punches with nothing to hit
Luminous thoughts were once all he had
Fading Lights , lost eloquence
There's still a fire in the engine room
knows relieve will be coming soon

What's to be done
Carve a path for Rivers reign
Much to be done, oceans rising with the waves
Held by this thoughts they refuse to slip away
Hangman in dreamland about to call your name
Much to be done , Much to be...

7- Never Destination (lyrics:Eddie Vedder)

Blisters on my fingers, blisters on my brain
Blisters on my voices, crazy makes him sane
An angry sea, an ocean in my eyes
The waves are rolling, I'm becoming blind
I won't be taken, won't take myself
Kicking and screaming, have to knock me off the shelf
Feels like illusion, is this taking place
Disease and confusion, stripped off ---- place
Don't want to leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
Some resolution, some distance tied
To this collusion, hiding in plain sight
So see you later, never say goodbye
This little trick I play on my own mind
I'm a recluse in search of new friends
How they gonna find me back where the road ends
Off on the distance ….
"50 foot and breaking on my innocence"
Don't want to leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
I can't believe it, these endless lies
Never destination, just more denial
More denial
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Makes us alive ,should we survive
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Keeps us alive, survive
When you make the drop, the gaping maw
Thank you Mudhoney
Thanks …..
…., this place let me go
Off on the distance ….
50 foot and breaking ……
I won't be taken, won't take myself
Kicking and screaming, have to knock me off the shelf
So see you later
Never say goodbye
This little trick I play on my own end
Don't want leave it, these endless miles
Never destination, just more denial
She was in a singer in a rock and roll band
Had command of all her voices
Turned herself into a hologram
It all came down to choices
So I say to them, never say goodbye
A little trick I play on my mind

8- Take The Long Way (lyrics:Matt Cameron)

You got me through these feelings
That separate me from you
I put myself through a beating
Need you to pull me through
I'll break through these feelings
I'll break through the ceiling
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
Now's the time to resurface
Take back me and you
The hammer will fall on purpose
Our time, our truth
I'll break through these feelings
I'll break through the ceiling
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
I always take the long way, the long way
I always take the long way
That leads me back to you
Plant a seed in your mind
What's yours is mine
Show me how to live divine
What's yours is mine
Back to a moment in your mind
Go back in time
Show me how to live divine
What's yours is mine

9- Buckle Up (lyrics:Stone Gossard)

I got blood
Blood on my hands
The stain of, of a human
I finally awoke
To my mother's wrath
Call lights
Bed sores and sponge baths
Firstly do no harm
Then put your seatbelt on
Buckle up
The drapes pull back
Reveal her wound
Her boy on her lap
A murderer groomed
Antiquities lost
Lost to the Nile
A sudden slip
A fall on the tile
Firstly do no harm
Then put your seatbelt on
Buckle up

10- Comes Then Goes (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

High or low, where'd you go
Are you stuck in the middle
A spectral invisible ghost
I'm here juxtaposed
Like images of angels in the snow
Our courage melts away, it comes then goes
Where you been, can I find
A glimpse of my friend
Don't know where or when one of us left
The other behind
Divisions came and troubles multiplied
Incisions made by scalpel blades of time
Comes then goes
Comes then goes
Cannot say "how ya been?"
I can guess and conjecture
My altered perceptions unclear
Please interfere
Sadness comes, with it a sea of tears
Would some love be best had it not appeared?
Is this you? Here I stand
Intense recollections of pain
Self-neglecting again
Like you I keep it in
Thought you found a game where you could win
It's all vivisection in the end
Comes and goes
Comes and goes
Comes and goes
High or low, try again
She fell off the altar
A vision you caught her but then
A woodcut in red
I wish it was not you that she had left
Selfish navigation with no end
Where'd ya sleep?
Can I find a deeper connection
In the face of rejection
I'm trying
I'm trying
Evidence in the echoes of your mind
Leads to me to believe we missed the signs
Can I try one last time?
We could all use a savior from human behavior sometimes
And the kids are alright
The Queen of Collections took your time
Sadness comes 'cause some of it was mine
Comes then goes
Comes then goes
Comes and goes
Comes and goes

11- Retrograde (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

Comes the summer rain
Cue the lighting and far off thunder again
Projecting through the clouds
Meditations lifting out in the sound
The more mistakes the more resolve
It's gonna take much more than ordinary love
To lift this up
Stars align they say when things are better then right now
Feel the retrograde spin us round round round
Seven seas are raising forever future's fading out
Feel the retrograde all around round round
Accelerate the change
Feeling equal opposite all the same
Momentum rearranged
Shout the echo, turning back but now changed
The rusted shapes refuse to fall
It's gonna take much more than ordinary love
To lift this up
Stars align they say when times are better than right now
Feel the retrograde spin us round round round
Seven seas are raising forever future's fading out
Feel the retrograde all around round round
Hear the sounds in the distance now
Could be thunder or a crowd
Feel the sound (feel the sound)

12- River Cross (lyrics: Eddie Vedder)

Always thought I'd cross that river
The other side distant now
As I got close it turned and widened
The horizon now, fading out
Drifting in the undertow
Can't spot a figure on dry land
And afterthoughts of safety
When in truth, none to be had
None to be had
I used to tell time by my shadow
'til the thunder clouds, they took the stage
These days will end, as do the light's rays
Another read of the same page
Wide awake through this deepest night
Still waiting on the sun
As the hours seem to multiple
Find a star and soldier on
Living beneath a lion's paw
Knowing nothing can be tamed
Can be tamed
I want this dream to last forever
A wish denied to lengthen our time
I wish this moment was never ending
Let it be a lie that all future's die
While the government thrives on discontent
And there's no such thing as clear
Proselytizing and profiting
As our will all but just disappears
Folded over, forced in a choke hold
Outnumbered and held down
And all these talk of rapture
Look around at the promise now
Here and now
Here and now
Can't hold me down
Can't hold me down
Won't hold us down
Won't hold us down
Live it out
Let it out
Get it out
Shout it out
Won't hold us down
Won't hold us down
Share the light
Won't hold us down

Tu les a trouvé où stp Daniel ?
Message(s) : 5891
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 3:20 pm
Localisation : Lyon

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par masterofmullets » Mar Mars 24, 2020 5:47 pm

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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Mars 24, 2020 6:31 pm

dranx a écrit :Tu les a trouvé où stp Daniel ?

Sur un autre forum, sans source.

Les premières livraisons US:
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par dubensen » Mar Mars 24, 2020 9:44 pm

Si qq1 pouvait m envoyer un précieux lien par MP ce serait vraiment super avant de pouvoir avoir le CD....
Merci d avance
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Mer Oct 25, 2006 10:38 pm

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Mars 25, 2020 12:32 am

Jeff aussi à reçu son exemplaire: ... 84864?s=21
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Tremoskito » Mer Mars 25, 2020 12:38 am

Bon, comme presque tout le monde ici, j’ai été très agréablement surpris, pour ne pas dire scotché par ce Gigaton !
Arrangements, compos, batterie, prod : pour moi tout y est mieux que sur sur Backspacer, LB, même Avocado

Who ever said : j’adore, on est en terrain connu, mais que c’est bon. Le pont est sublime, chant à tomber, et là où d’habitude il dure 3 phrases et ça repart, cette fois ils prennent le temps et l’étirent comme il faut pour en faire une partie à part entière du morceau, terrible. Et Matt y fait admirablement monter la sauce, une fois n’est pas coutume :D
Superblood Wolfmoon : fan de ce morceau, mega patate, structure inhabituelle, chant génial, solo et pont au top, et comme déjà dit il s’enchaine Nickel avec la 1ère.
Dance of the Clairvoyants : conquis dès le début par la prise de risque au niveau instru, je trouve le chant excellent de À à Z, notamment sur couplets et pont. Et la gratte quoi ...
Quick Escape : quel titre bordel ... un groove qui me rappelle No Way de loin, avec Matt qui nous fait des ghost notes, mais que se passe t-il :shock: ? Toutes les parties de gratte sont top, cette basse et ce groove, le refrain, les chœurs, la batterie, les interventions de Mike ... espérons qu’elle soit incontournable sur les set lists de la tournée (si elle a lieu :? ) comme l’étaient Sirens, Lighting Bolt ou Mind Your Manners en 2018. Jeff bloody rules !!
Alright : superbe, et non sirupeux, grâce à ces arrangements au clavier et à la gratte tout en finesse et cette batterie beaucoup moins attendue que d’habitude ... Jeff rules again !!
Seven o’clock : très beau titre, arrangements encore méga chiadés (la E-Bow guitar de Mike ?) et mélodie d’une efficacité de ouf sur les couplets. Au début j’ai eu un peu peur sur le refrain mais je m’y suis fait ... et la reprise sur ce groove de basse et ces nappes de gratte, splendide. Mais je crains que ce soit un des 1ers titres dont je me lasse ... on verra à l’usure
Never destination : on est d’accord, sûrement le maillon faible du disque, trop déjà entendu, riff basique (limite elle m’evoque Backspacer, c’est pour dire), et en plus elle traine en longueur ...
take the long way : le bon morceau en 3/8 (je crois) de Matt, je le trouve vraiment bien après plusieurs écoutes, à mon avis il est desservi par sa position sur le disque, il serait après une lente l’impression serait différente je crois. Couplets, refrains, pont, solo, j’adhère grave !
Buckle up : le morceau fraîcheur de l’album, quelle réussite, ce chant angélique avec ce gimmick de guitare, et l’accompagnement, là encore, subtil (!!) à la batterie, guitare de Mike .. et c’est moi ou c’est un kazoo vers 2´00 ?
Come Then goes : justement quand je me disais qu’un peu d’acoustique pur, ou à défaut un morceau sans batterie, serait bienvenu, celle ci qui déboule. Chapeau sur le son de gratte comme disait Ben Hype, ça sonne d’enfer. Mélodie pas forcément immédiate et c’est tant mieux pour la longévité du morceau !
Rétrograde : intro (12 cordes ?) et première ligne de chant, on se croirait direct sur Into The wild. Très bien arrangé, mélodie imparable, mais suis pas totalement séduit, même crainte que sur Seven O Clock.
River Cross : l’effet inverse à Sleeping by myself, qui avait du charme par Eddie en solo, mais dont la version de PJ avait tué l’intérêt du morceau (merci BOB :evil: !). River cross, écoutée 2 fois sur les lives solo d’EV, ne m’avait pas bcp marquée ... mais là, cette version, pour moi, est magique, accompagnement batterie super bien dosé (tellement loin d’un boum Tchack qui l’aurait ruinée), chant impérial qui se marie parfaitement à l’orgue (son grand retour, après Indifférence !! :mrgreen: Ou j’en oublie ?)

Et puis, sympa d’avoir ces petits sons aussi qui relient tous les morceaux entre eux ! Et pas de fuckin’ fade out non plus !
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
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Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par stateoflove » Mer Mars 25, 2020 10:45 am

Mikeb a écrit :Comes then goes ça serait pas la première fois qu'Ed "parle", "ecrit" quelque chose sur Cornell? Je n'ai pas réussi à déchiffrer/comprendre toute les paroles mais il y a quand-même pas mal de passage qui me font penser à Chris.

mon dieu qu'elle est belle :love: :love: :love: :love:
Du Vedder solo bonifié par le groupe.
Message(s) : 560
Inscription : Ven Fév 10, 2006 10:06 pm
Localisation : lille

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par BEN.HYPE » Mer Mars 25, 2020 6:38 pm

Je trouve que le forum était plus actif il y a quelques années, ça se bouscule pas au portillon pour donner son avis ou alors vous attendez pour pas trop parler à chaud et pas dire trop de conneries...
Amsterdam, Netherlands 11-06-1996
Paris, France 11-07-1996
Paris, France 06-08-2000
Arnhem, Netherlands 08-29-2006
Antwerp, Belgium 08-30-2006
Werchter, Belgium 06-29-2007
Werchter, Belgium 07-04-2010
Werchter, Belgium 06-29-2012
Eddie Vedder: Antwerp, Belgium 06-19-2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands 06-13-2018

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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Denis » Mer Mars 25, 2020 7:20 pm

BEN.HYPE a écrit :Je trouve que le forum était plus actif il y a quelques années, ça se bouscule pas au portillon pour donner son avis ou alors vous attendez pour pas trop parler à chaud et pas dire trop de conneries...

bah c'est surtout que les moyens de communication ont changé depuis, ça va encore, je trouve qu'il y a de l'animation...
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Inscription : Mar Déc 05, 2006 12:56 am
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Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par freddie vedder » Mer Mars 25, 2020 7:29 pm

Oui et puis finalement il n'est pas encore officiellement sorti!
freddie vedder
Message(s) : 777
Inscription : Jeu Avr 06, 2006 3:53 pm
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Mikeb » Mer Mars 25, 2020 9:42 pm

BEN.HYPE a écrit :Je trouve que le forum était plus actif il y a quelques années, ça se bouscule pas au portillon pour donner son avis ou alors vous attendez pour pas trop parler à chaud et pas dire trop de conneries...

J'attends la sortie officiel pour commenter au cas où ce gros porc de Santos aurait un compte caché par ici.
1996 London- Zurich
2000 Zurich - London
2006 Bern
2010 Berlin
2014 Berlin
2018 Barcelona - Seattle
Message(s) : 2247
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
Localisation : Suisse

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par freddie vedder » Mer Mars 25, 2020 10:41 pm

Je vois bien certain set 1 se terminer par who ever said un pont rallongé en impro et une explosion finale!...quand ils pourront jouer..
freddie vedder
Message(s) : 777
Inscription : Jeu Avr 06, 2006 3:53 pm
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Gigaton spoiler

Message par Tremoskito » Jeu Mars 26, 2020 1:38 am

freddie vedder a écrit :Je vois bien certain set 1 se terminer par who ever said un pont rallongé en impro et une explosion finale!...quand ils pourront jouer..

Ah oui ce serait parfait ... si seulement ils pouvaient changer un peu du porch ou du rvm en fin de set ou encore 1 ...
Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
Message(s) : 2278
Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
Localisation : Planfoy


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